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Dear ANCOR members

We know that COVID-19 is leaving many of you scrambling to ensure that the people you support have access to groceries, cleaning supplies, medical supplies and other essential items. In an effort to establish a partnership with Amazon to help ameliorate these situations, we wrote a letter to Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos on March 20, which subsequently was reported on in the New York Post yesterday.

We now have a potential opportunity to work directly with Amazon, and while it’s too early to tell what the company may do, if anything, to prioritize the needs of people with I/DD, they have asked us to provide more information.

Therefore, we are asking you to please take five minutes in the next 24 hours to let us know what your experiences have been by completing this short form. The form asks which products you have struggled to procure, whether you have used Amazon to procure these items, and what sticking points have popped up in the process.

With your feedback, we will try our best to work with Amazon to identify potential solutions to your challenges. Thank you for completing the form today.