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The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) recently announced that the inpatient rehabilitation facility (IRF) provider preview reports have been updated on the iQIES site and are now available for Quarter 1 of 2019 through Quarter 4 of 2019 data and the annual update of the claims-based measures data from Quarter 4 of 2017 through Quarter 3 of 2019. The information contained within the preview reports contains the data that will be published on IRF Compare during the December 2020 refresh of the website. The December 2020 refresh is the rescheduled IRF Compare refresh that was initially scheduled for September 2020.

The deadline for providers to review their data is October 26, 2020. Corrections to the underlying data will not be permitted during this timeframe; however, providers can request CMS to review the data during this preview period if they believe the quality measure scores that are displayed in their reports are inaccurate. Six new measures will be displayed publicly beginning with the December 2020 refresh and will be removing one quality measure (Percent of Residents or Patients With Pressure Ulcers that are New or Worsened) from the IRF Compare and Care Compare websites. The six new measures include:

  • Changes in Skin Integrity Post-Acute Care (PAC): Pressure Ulcer/Injury,
  • Drug Regimen Review Conducted with Follow-Up for Identified Issues – PAC IRF QRP,
  • IRF Functional Outcome Measure: Change in Self-Care Score for Medical Rehabilitation Patients (NQF #2633),
  • IRF Functional Outcome Measure: Change in Mobility for Medical Rehabilitation Patients (NQF #2634),
  • IRF Functional Outcome Measure: Discharge Self-Care Score for Medical Rehabilitation Patients (NQF #2635), and
  • IRF Functional Outcome Measure: Discharge Mobility Score for Medical Rehabilitation Patients (NQF #2636)

Frontline Supervisor E-Badges Are Here 

Written by Dan Hermreck, Director of Certification and Accreditation

It’s been a little over a year and a half since the National Alliance for Direct Support Professionals (NADSP) launched the E-Badge Academy. We now have 51 badges that represent various skills and accomplishments in direct support which can be stacked into three levels of national certification for direct support professionals.  DSPs from participating organizations across the country have been submitting examples of their work, which are being evaluated by trained NADSP reviewers. As they earn individual badges, DSPs are also making progress toward a national DSP certification.

The E-Badge Academy is based on some of the core beliefs of NADSP. That quality is best measured at the point of interaction, and that quality direct support requires …



Advancing Substance Use Prevention in HIDTA Communities | Thursday, October 8, 2020

The Advancing Substance Use Prevention in HIDTA Communities virtual summit has the following goals:

  • Discuss advances in substance use prevention policy and strategies over the last five years in the context of national substance threats.
  • Describe evidence-based practices, programs, and strategies for substance use prevention led by public safety and public health partnerships.
  • Describe critical insights into implementing substance use prevention practices, programs, and strategies.
  • Compare different methods for measuring the impact and value of prevention programs.
  • Identify national, state, and local prevention resources available to all HIDTA communities.

 Review the agenda and event flyer, and register today.


Naloxone Distribution Strategies Webinar Recording

Offered for Centralized Coordinating Entities (CCEs) and their partners, this webinar recording showcases real-world examples of community-based initiatives used by CCEs across Pennsylvania to increase availability of naloxone and prevent overdose deaths. Panelists also discuss how they have adjusted their naloxone distribution efforts in light of COVID-19.  Learn more about PCCD’s Naloxone for First Responders Program.

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In view of the COVID-19 Pandemic and its impact on Chapter 3800 Residential Facilities, OCYF has temporarily suspended several regulatory standards. These standards include visitation policies, staff trainings, foster parent approvals, service delivery considerations, and group activities. See OCYF Guidance.

The regulatory suspensions set forth above will remain in place while the proclamation of disaster emergency remains in effect or such other time as OCYF directs.

For regulations that have not been suspended under the disaster emergency proclamation, agencies may still submit a waiver request to OCYF to seek temporary relief on a case-by-case basis. These requests may be submitted to the appropriate OCYF Regional Office or directly to the OCYF waiver resource account. In deciding whether to issue citations involving circumstances where a regulatory requirement that has not been suspended cannot be met due to COVID-19, OCYF will consider reasonable efforts made to meet the requirement when justification is clearly documented in the case record.

We recommend leaders review the guidance, and if you have any questions, please contact RCPA Children’s Director Jim Sharp.