Govt. Affairs

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Yesterday, after Governor Wolf delivered his 2019/20 budget address to the General Assembly, the Department of Health (DOH) and the Department of Human Services (DHS) held a budget briefing updating stakeholders on the status of 2018/19 initiatives and rolling out the Governor’s 2019/20 DOH/DHS budget initiatives. The Governor’s main initiatives for DOH and DHS for the upcoming fiscal year are as follows:

  • Increase the minimum wage;
  • Help low-income working parents support their families;
  • Strengthen high quality care for infants and toddlers;
  • Expand evidence-based home visiting;
  • Expand services for individuals with intellectual disabilities and autism on the waiting list;
  • Protect individuals in personal care homes and residential and day-treatment programs;
  • Support Pennsylvanians with disabilities;
  • Invest in mental health services; and
  • Combat the opioid epidemic.

For further information on the above initiatives, please see the DOH and DHS PowerPoint presentations. Questions, contact RCPA Director of Government Affairs Jack Phillips.

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Today, Governor Wolf delivered his 2019/20 budget address in front of the Pennsylvania General Assembly. The Governor’s budget address talked primarily about workforce and education. Specifically, the Governor is not proposing any new tax increases; rather he is focusing on investments in workforce, education, and continuing the fight against opioid abuse.

The Governor’s proposed budget expands access to early childhood education, increases investments in schools, and partners with the private sector to build on the PAsmart initiative, launched last year as a groundbreaking approach to workforce development.

The following are highlights from the Governor’s budget address:

Keystone Economic Development and Workforce Command Center
Tackling the skills gap and creating a well-trained workforce requires government, schools, and industry to work together. PAsmart was the first step, but Governor Wolf wants bolder action. Soon the governor will sign an executive order creating the Keystone Economic Development and Workforce Command Center. The departments of Community and Economic Development, Labor & Industry, State, and others will partner with external leaders to find solutions that will strengthen our workforce.

“Across the commonwealth, we have workers aging out of our workforce, and too often the next generation of worker is not there or doesn’t have the skills to replace them,” said Governor Wolf. “If we can’t strengthen our workforce, we will fall behind. And we cannot let our government’s response to this problem be handcuffed by stale habit. The time is now for this comprehensive plan for preparing Pennsylvanians to compete and win in our rapidly changing economy.”

Early Childhood Development and Parent Support
Parents cannot work if they lack food, housing, or childcare. To break the cycle of poverty, the governor’s budget invests in early childhood education and removes barriers for low-income parents. The proposal provides $5 million to expand home-visiting programs for pregnant women and at-risk infants and toddlers, $15 million in federal funds to reduce waiting lists for high-quality childcare, and $5 million for wrap-around services so parents can attend college or other training to get skills for family-sustaining jobs.

Continuing Investments in Education and Career Training
The governor’s budget ensures that every student is ready for a career by continuing investments to improve public schools along with more funding for early childhood programs, K-through-12, and higher education. The budget provides increases of $200 million for basic education, $50 million for Pre-K and Head Start, $50 million for special education, $7 million for the Pennsylvania State System of Higher Education, and $8 million in one-time grants for community college students or graduates who are working in Pennsylvania.

PAsmart is an innovative and pioneering approach to connecting Pennsylvanians with education and training opportunities, apprenticeships, and STEM careers, and the governor’s budget expands this initiative with an additional $4 million to help Pennsylvania manufacturers train workers and $6 million to expand career and technical education for adults.

Governor Wolf is also proposing to save nearly $120 million over the next two years by raising Pennsylvania’s minimum wage to $12 an hour on July 1, 2019. The boost in pay for one million workers would enable tens of thousands of people to work their way off of public assistance, reducing the burden on taxpayers who are subsidizing low wages.

To prevent students from falling behind, the governor’s plan lowers the age when students must start attending school from 8 to 6 and increases the dropout age from 17 to 18. The administration will also study the benefits of providing free full day kindergarten to all children starting at age 5.

Contact RCPA Director of Government Affairs Jack Phillips with any questions.

Congressman Bobby Scott (D-VA-3), chairman of the House Education and Labor Committee, Senator Bob Casey (D-PA), and Rep. Cathy McMorris Rodgers (R-WA-5) introduced the Transformation to Competitive Employment Act of 2019 (HR 873 / S 260). This Act provides states, service providers, subminimum wage certificate holders, and other agencies with the resources to help workers with disabilities transition into competitive, integrated employment. The Transformation to Competitive Employment Act is legislation designed to strengthen and enhance the disability employment service delivery systems throughout states while subminimum wages, which are currently allowed under Section 14(c) of the Fair Labor Standards Act, are phased out over a six-year period. Currently, under Section 14(c), employers that obtain a certificate are permitted to hire individuals with disabilities at less than minimum wage. The Act would include some grant money to assist states and certificate holders in transforming their organizations.

Chairman Scott’s press release lists the organizations supporting the bill: “American Network of Community Options and Resources (ANCOR), Association of People Supporting Employment First (APSE), Association of University Centers on Disabilities (AUCD), Autism National Committee, Autistic Self Advocacy Network (ASAN), Autism Society of America, Center for Public Representation (CPR), Collaboration to Promote Self-Determination (CPSD), Council of State Administrators of Vocational Rehabilitation (CSAVR), Disability Rights California, Disability Rights Education & Defense Fund (DREDF), Disability Rights Florida, Disability Rights Iowa, Disability Rights New Mexico, Michigan Protection and Advocacy Service, Inc., National Association of Councils on Developmental Disabilities (NACDD), National Association of State Directors of Developmental Disabilities Services (NASDDDS), National Council on Independent Living (NCIL), National Disability Institute (NDI), National Disability Rights Network (NDRN), National Down Syndrome Congress (NDSC), National Federation of the Blind (NFB), National Rehabilitation Association, TASH, Inc.”

ACCSES, on the other hand, strongly supports a full array of employment options for people with disabilities, including Section 14(c), and will continue to advocate for providers and people who chose this option. Contact Carol Ferenz, RCPA IDD Division Director, with any questions.

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On Wednesday, Governor Tom Wolf announced his list of cabinet nominees. His appointment nominees, which will have to be confirmed by a majority of the State Senate, are as follows:

  • Jessica Altman – Commissioner, Pennsylvania Insurance Department
  • Kathy Boockvar – Secretary of the Commonwealth
  • Major General Anthony Carrelli – Adjutant General, Department of Military and Veterans Affairs
  • Dennis Davin – Secretary, Department of Community and Economic Development
  • Cynthia Dunn – Secretary, Department of Conservation and Natural Resources
  • Lieutenant Colonel Robert Evanchick – Commissioner, Pennsylvania State Police
  • Daniel Hassell – Secretary, Department of Revenue
  • Rachel Levine – Secretary, Department of Health
  • Patrick McDonnell – Secretary, Department of Environmental Protection
  • Teresa D. Miller – Secretary, Department of Human Services
  • Gerard Oleksiak – Secretary, Department of Labor & Industry
  • Russel Redding – Secretary, Department of Agriculture
  • Leslie S. Richards – Secretary, Department of Transportation
  • Jennifer Smith – Secretary, Department of Drug and Alcohol Programs
  • Curt Topper – Secretary, Department of General Services
  • Robert Torres – Secretary, Department of Aging
  • John Wetzel – Secretary, Department of Corrections
  • Robin Wiessmann – Secretary, Department of Banking and Securities

Questions, please contact Jack Phillips, RCPA  Director of Government Affairs.

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Today, the Pennsylvania Senate Democratic Caucus released its committee assignments for the 2019–20 legislative session.

The committees listed will have the following members from the Senate Democratic Caucus.

  • Aging & Youth: Maria Collett (Chair), John Sabatina, Jr., Judy Schwank, Christine Tartaglione
  • Agriculture & Rural Affairs: Judy Schwank (Chair), Andrew Dinniman, John Sabatina, Jr., Sharif Street
  • Appropriations: Vincent Hughes (Chair), Judy Schwank (Vice Chair), Jay Costa (Ex Officio), John Blake, Maria Collett, Art Haywood, Daylin Leach, Steve Santarsiero, Sharif Street
  • Banking & Insurance: Sharif Street (Chair), Lisa Boscola, James Brewster, Larry Farnese, Christine Tartaglione
  • Communications & Technology: Steve Santarsiero (Chair), Jay Costa, Tim Kearney, Lindsey Williams
  • Community, Economic & Recreational Development: Larry Farnese (Chair), John Blake, Lisa Boscola, Wayne Fontana, John Sabatina, Jr.
  • Consumer Protection & Professional Licensure: Lisa Boscola (Chair), Maria Collett, Larry Farnese, Steve Santarsiero, John Yudichak
  • Education: Andrew Dinniman (Chair), James Brewster, Daylin Leach, Lindsey Williams
  • Environmental Resources & Energy: John Yudichak (Chair), Andrew Dinniman, Daylin Leach, Anthony Williams
  • Finance: John Blake (Chair), Art Haywood, Vincent Hughes, Katie Muth
  • Game & Fisheries: James Brewster (Chair), Lisa Boscola, Andrew Dinniman, John Yudichak
  • Health & Human Services: Art Haywood (Chair), Katie Muth, Judy Schwank, Sharif Street
  • Intergovernmental Operations: Wayne Fontana (Chair), Art Haywood, Vincent Hughes, Katie Muth
  • Judiciary: Daylin Leach (Chair), Larry Farnese, Art Haywood, John Sabatina, Jr., Steve Santarsiero
  • Labor & Industry: Christine Tartaglione (Chair), Tim Kearney, Lindsey Williams, John Yudichak
  • Law & Justice: James Brewster (Chair), Wayne Fontana, Christine Tartaglione, Anthony Williams
  • Local Government: Tim Kearney (Chair), John Blake, Steve Santarsiero, Judy Schwank
  • Rules & Executive Nominations: Jay Costa (Chair), Lisa Boscola, Larry Farnese, Wayne Fontana, Vincent Hughes, Anthony Williams
  • State Government: Anthony Williams (Chair), Maria Collett, Katie Muth, Lindsey Williams
  • Transportation: John Sabatina, Jr. (Chair), John Blake, James Brewster, Tim Kearney, John Yudichak
  • Urban Affairs & Housing: Katie Muth (Chair), Wayne Fontana, Tim Kearney, Sharif Street
  • Veterans Affairs & Emergency Preparedness: Lindsey Williams (Chair), John Blake, Maria Collett, Andrew Dinniman

Questions, please contact Jack Phillips, RCPA Director of Government Affairs.

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Today, the Senate Minority Leader, Jay Costa (D-Allegheny), announced the Senate Democratic minority chairs of the standing committees.

Senate Democratic Standing Committee Chair Assignments are as follows:

  • Aging & Youth: Maria Collett
  • Agriculture & Rural Affairs: Judy Schwank
  • Appropriations: Vincent Hughes
  • Banking & Insurance: Sharif Street
  • Communications & Technology: Steve Santarsiero
  • Community, Economic, & Recreational Development: Larry Farnese
  • Education: Andrew Dinniman
  • Environmental Resources & Energy: John Yudichak
  • Finance: John Blake
  • Games & Fisheries: James Brewster
  • Health & Human Services: Art Haywood
  • Intergovernmental Operations: Wayne Fontana
  • Judiciary: Daylin Leach
  • Labor & Industry: Christine Tartaglione
  • Law & Justice: James Brewster
  • Local Government: Tim Kearney
  • Rules & Executive Nominations: Jay Costa
  • State Government: Anthony Williams
  • Transportation: John Sabatina, Jr.
  • Urban Affairs & Housing: Katie Muth
  • Veteran’s Affairs & Emergency Preparedness: Lindsey Williams

Questions, please contact RCPA Director of Government Affairs Jack Phillips.

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Today, Senate President Pro Tempore Joe Scarnati (R – Jefferson) named the Senate Republican majority chairs of the standing committees.

Senate Republican Standing Committee Chair Assignments are as follows:

  • Aging & Youth – Senator John DiSanto (R-15)
  • Agriculture & Rural Affairs – Senator Elder Vogel, Jr. (R-47)
  • Appropriations – Senator Pat Browne (R-16)
  • Banking & Insurance – Senator Don White (R-41)
  • Communications & Technology – Senator Wayne Langerholc, Jr. (R-35)
  • Community, Economic & Recreational Development – Senator Mario Scavello (R-40)
  • Consumer Protection & Professional Licensure – Senator Robert Tomlinson (R-6)
  • Education – Senator Ryan Aument (R-36)
  • Environmental Resources & Energy – Senator Gene Yaw (R-23)
  • Finance – Senator Scott Hutchinson (R-21)
  • Game & Fisheries – Senator Dan Laughlin (R-49)
  • Health & Human Services – Senator Michele Brooks (R-50)
  • Intergovernmental Operations – Senator Judy Ward (R-30)
  • Judiciary – Senator Lisa Baker (R-20)
  • Labor & Industry – Senator Camera Bartolotta (R-46)
  • Law & Justice – Senator Pat Stefano (R-32)
  • Local Government – Senator Scott Martin (R-13)
  • Rules & Executive Nominations – Senator Jake Corman (R-34)
  • State Government – Senator Mike Folmer (R-48)
  • Transportation – Senator Kim Ward (R-39)
  • Urban Affairs & Housing – Senator Tom Killion (R-9)
  • Veterans Affairs & Emergency Preparedness – Senator Mike Regan (R-31)

Questions, please contact RCPA Director of Government Affairs Jack Phillips.

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Today, House Democratic Leader Frank Dermody named the Democratic minority chairmen of the standing committees.

Rep. Matt Bradford of Montgomery County was chosen separately by a November vote of all the Democratic members to be chairman of the Appropriations Committee.

The House Democratic chairmen for the 2019–20 session are:

Aging and Older Adult Services:
Rep. Steve Samuelson, 135th Legislative District, Northampton County.

Agriculture and Rural Affairs:
Rep. Eddie Day Pashinski, 121st Legislative District, Luzerne County.

Children and Youth:
Rep. Joseph Petrarca, 55th Legislative District, Westmoreland, Armstrong and Indiana counties.

Rep. John Galloway, 140th Legislative District, Bucks County.

Consumer Affairs:
Rep. Rob Matzie, 16th Legislative District, Beaver and Allegheny counties.

Rep. James Roebuck, 188th Legislative District, Philadelphia County.

Environmental Resources and Energy:
Rep. Greg Vitali, 166th Legislative District, Delaware and Montgomery counties.

Rep. Jake Wheatley, 19th Legislative District, Allegheny County.

Game and Fisheries:
Rep. William Kortz, 38th Legislative District, Allegheny County.

Gaming Oversight:
Rep. Scott Conklin, 77th Legislative District, Centre County.

Rep. Dan Frankel, 23rd Legislative District, Allegheny County.

Human Services:
Rep. Angel Cruz, 180th Legislative District, Philadelphia County.

Rep. Tony DeLuca, 32nd Legislative District, Allegheny County.

Rep. Tim Briggs, 149th Legislative District, Montgomery County.

Labor and Industry:
Rep. Patrick Harkins, 1st Legislative District, Erie County.

Liquor Control:
Rep. Dan Deasy, 27th Legislative District, Allegheny County.

Local Government:
Rep. Bob Freeman, 136th Legislative District, Northampton County.

Professional Licensure:
Rep. Harry Readshaw, 36th Legislative District, Allegheny County.

State Government:
Rep. Kevin Boyle, 172nd Legislative District, Philadelphia and Montgomery counties.

Tourism and Recreational Development:
Rep. Mark Longietti, 7th Legislative District, Mercer County.

Rep. Mike Carroll, 118th Legislative District, Luzerne and Lackawanna counties.

Urban Affairs:
Rep. Thomas Caltagirone, 127th Legislative District, Berks County.

Veterans Affairs and Emergency Preparedness:
Rep. Christopher Sainato, 9th Legislative District, Lawrence County.

Questions, please contact RCPA Director of Government Affairs Jack Phillips.