Articles of Interest

Photo by Markus Winkler from Pexels

Governor Wolf announced his intention yesterday to nominate Meg Snead to be the next Secretary of the Department of Human Services (DHS). RCPA President/CEO Richard Edley remarked, “With Ms. Snead’s broad, extensive background in the human services community, we are confident that positive change will continue, in our mutual goals towards serving the most vulnerable residents of our Commonwealth. RCPA has worked with Ms. Snead in the past on several key issues and we look forward to continuing this collaboration with her in this new role as Secretary.” View the official press release.

Department of Human Services (DHS) Secretary Teresa Miller has announced that she is vacating her position at the end of April, to pursue an opportunity out of state. Governor Wolf has also made public his plan to nominate Meg Snead, Secretary of Policy and Planning, to assume these responsibilities. RCPA President/CEO Richard Edley notes, “RCPA is extremely grateful to Secretary Miller for all of her hard work on behalf of the human service providers and those individuals they serve in the Commonwealth. She will be missed, and we wish her the best in her new endeavor.” View the official press release here.