The Pennsylvania Department of Human Services has issued guidance related to Tuberculin skin testing regulatory compliance and COVID-19 vaccinations. The official DHS announcement concerning tuberculin skin testing and COVID vaccination is available at the following link: Guidance for Tuberculin Skin Testing and COVID Vaccination.
Current CDC recommendations state that individuals should not take a Tuberculosis skin test within four weeks of their 2-dose COVID-19 vaccination process.
Applies to Chapters 2380 (Adult Training Facilities), 6400 (Community Homes for Individuals with an Intellectual Disability or Autism), and 6500 (Life Sharing Homes) of Title 55 of the Pennsylvania Code.
Due to the CDC guidance related to tuberculin skin testing and COVID-19 Vaccinations impact on licensees’ ability to comply with regulatory requirements and with the Governor’s authorization as conferred in the Disaster Proclamation, the Department has temporarily issued a limited suspension of the timing of the tuberculin skin testing provisions.
Update from ANCOR:
The Small Business Administration (SBA) has now released the NEW application forms Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) borrowers must submit to apply for first-time loans, or “second draw” loans, as well as indicating expanded eligibility for those second draw loans.
Additionally, the Senate passed legislation by a 92-7 margin today (Thursday, March 25) to extend the deadline for Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) loan applications to May 31. Under the legislation, which overwhelmingly passed the House last week, PPP applicants have until May 31 to apply for a loan and the Small Business Administration (SBA) has a June 30 deadline to process them. We will keep you informed when the legislation is signed by President Biden, and if the SBA issues new materials as a result of this legislation.
First Draw loan information
Second Draw loan information
More information at the US Small Business Administration!
Shannon Austin, MS, Executive Director of Office of Vocational Rehabilitation (OVR) and Carole L. Clancy, Bureau Director of Special Education have announced completion of a revised Memorandum of Understanding (MOU). The revision of the MOU is a product of ongoing collaboration between both agencies to strengthen agency partnership and enhance transition outcomes for students with disabilities in the Commonwealth.
Additionally, there will be a series of webinars in April and May: Understanding the Memorandum: OVR and BSE Working Together as One. This series will overview the MOU agreement between OVR and the Bureau of Special Education (BSE), pertaining to the provision of transition services for students with disabilities. Throughout the series, participants will be introduced to tools for collaboration between OVR, BSE, Local Education Agencies (LEAs), youth, and families.
Registration is required for this FREE event:
Thursday, April 22, 2021 from 2:30 pm to 4:00 pm
PA Care Partnership is offering a free webinar: What’s the Big Deal about Trauma? Many organizations today are under a lot of pressure to become trauma-informed. Both professionals and parents are hearing about the importance of recognizing – as well as preventing – trauma from happening to the children in their lives. These demands can be a source of confusion: what does being trauma-informed mean? Why is it so important? What is trauma about, anyway?
You are invited to attend this webinar, which will feature Dr. Sandra Bloom, author of Creating Sanctuary: Toward the Evolution of Sane Societies, and Diane Wagenhals, Program Director for the Lakeside Global Institute. Together, they will describe what history and science have taught us about the nature of trauma, what becoming trauma-informed and trauma-responsive means, and why it is such a big deal.
Learning Objectives:
As organizations continue the practice of telehealth, outcomes continue to support telehealth utilization and expansion, as well as the development of resources and guidance. In the coming weeks, RCPA will release the results of its recent telehealth member survey as a follow up to the original RCPA Telehealth Survey Overview in 2020. This updated initiative, in partner with Woods Services, takes a deeper look into the intersects of service delivery, funding, and satisfaction metrics. This new RCPA Telehealth overview will be available the week of March 29, 2021.
The Department of Health and Human Services recently shared a new best practice guide on telehealth for behavioral health care. Behavioral health – like other areas of health care – has changed significantly due to the COVID-19 public health emergency. It is now easier for mental health providers to offer and be reimbursed for telebehavioral health services. Telehealth can also make behavioral health services safer, more private, and convenient for patients who can access care from their home. Find resources in the telebehavioral health best practice guide on getting started, developing a strategy, billing, preparing patients, and more.
Additionally, in response to the increased use and expanded coverage of telehealth during the COVID-19 pandemic, CMS’s From Coverage to Care (C2C) released two new resources to support providers and patients in making the most of virtual care:
Providers and partners can download graphics to post on their social media channels and help spread the word about these new resources. All of these resources can be downloaded at go.cms.gov/c2ctelehealth.
If you have feedback or questions regarding your organization and telehealth, please contact RCPA Policy Director Jim Sharp.
Governor Wolf announced his intention yesterday to nominate Meg Snead to be the next Secretary of the Department of Human Services (DHS). RCPA President/CEO Richard Edley remarked, “With Ms. Snead’s broad, extensive background in the human services community, we are confident that positive change will continue, in our mutual goals towards serving the most vulnerable residents of our Commonwealth. RCPA has worked with Ms. Snead in the past on several key issues and we look forward to continuing this collaboration with her in this new role as Secretary.” View the official press release.
Department of Human Services (DHS) Secretary Teresa Miller has announced that she is vacating her position at the end of April, to pursue an opportunity out of state. Governor Wolf has also made public his plan to nominate Meg Snead, Secretary of Policy and Planning, to assume these responsibilities. RCPA President/CEO Richard Edley notes, “RCPA is extremely grateful to Secretary Miller for all of her hard work on behalf of the human service providers and those individuals they serve in the Commonwealth. She will be missed, and we wish her the best in her new endeavor.” View the official press release here.