Substance Use Disorder

The Department of Drug and Alcohol Programs (DDAP) announces two upcoming online webinars. For more information or to register, please click on the titles of the webinars below:

State Project ECHO COVID-19 Series
Thursday, April 2 at 8:00 AM – Care considerations for patients receiving treatment for Opioid Use Disorder (OUD) during the current COVID-19 pandemic.

Vaping 2020 and Beyond
Monday, April 6 at 10:00 AM – Westmoreland Drug & Alcohol Commission and Saint Vincent College Prevention projects are hosting an online webinar on vaping prevention.

Questions, contact Jack Phillips.

RCPA has been contacted about the potential opportunity to order surgical masks (3-ply disposable mask with ear loop) for use in residential programs, homes, and outpatient settings. These are NOT N-95 masks which are used for inpatient settings. To understand the difference, view this flyer.

There are 220 masks in a box, available for $220/box, which includes shipping and are shipped directly to the provider. Delivery is expected within 15–20 days from the date the order is placed. You may request as many boxes as you need; however, we cannot guarantee the full order until all orders are received.

Please use this link to complete your request with the information we need. This is extremely time sensitive, so we are asking that each organization coordinate their order and submit by 1:00 pm TODAY.


The disability community is seeing an issue come up across the country: the lack of personal protective equipment (PPE) for people living in nursing homes, institutions, and group homes.

In NYC, group homes for people with disabilities were told that they were not a priority to receive NYC’s Office of Emergency Management’s supply of PPE. When they attempted to purchase it themselves from a manufacturer, they were told they lacked the FDA license to do so. Now they are crowdfunding to get donated masks, sterile gloves, gowns, and goggles.

A second issue is that when residents in the group home become sick, the lack of PPE can jeopardize the safety of direct service providers (DSPs) and residents once that person is discharged from the hospital. If DSPs feel unsafe serving the people in the group homes, they will not go to work. And that will leave seniors and people with disabilities without the care that they need.

If you know of nursing facilities or group homes that need personal protective equipment, please have them complete Section I & II of the Pennsylvania Emergency Management Agency (PEMA) Resource Request Form. The resource request process direction provided by DHS and PEMA is for providers to contact their county emergency management agency (EMA) and submit a resource request. If the county cannot fill the resource request it will be forwarded to PEMA by the county EMA. Attached is the list of county EMC contacts provided by PEMA and directions to submit a resource request. In the directions is a link to a fillable resource request form to submit. Providers should contact their county EMA for assistance in submitting the resource request.

For Philadelphia providers:
Please send your completed form to this email. Thanks to Koert Wehberg, Executive Director of the Mayor’s Commission on People with Disabilities, for his advocacy and assistance with getting this form. For the Philadelphia Public Health hotline, call 800-722-7112.

CMS has issued a Long-Term Care Nursing Homes Telehealth and Telemedicine Tool Kit. CMS says:

“This document contains electronic links to reliable sources of information regarding telehealth and telemedicine. Most of the information is directed towards providers who may want to establish a permanent telemedicine program.

There are specific documents identified that will be useful in choosing telemedicine vendors, initiating a telemedicine program, monitoring patients remotely, and developing documentation tools. However, there is also information that will be useful for providers who wish to care for patients through the virtual services that may be temporarily used during the COVID-19 situation.

The OCR flexibilities with HIPAA are particularly important during this time as it allows the immediate utilization of commonly available programs such as FaceTime and Skype (in addition to others), which are now a very low cost option for any provider in any setting.”

This may be of interest to members with ICFs.