Substance Use Disorder

Folders with the label Applications and Grants

The following Grant Opportunities are now open in PCCD’s Egrants System:

Funding Announcement Title: 2019 Substance Abuse Education (SAEDR) Cat 1-Adult
Plan Year: 2019
Release Date: 8/30/2019
Due Date: 10/7/2019
Concept Papers Required: No
Competitive/Noncompetitive: Competitive
Amount Announced: $1,000,000.00


Funding Announcement Title: 2019 Substance Abuse Education (SAEDR) – Youth
Plan Year: 2019
Release Date: 8/30/2019
Due Date: 10/7/2019
Concept Papers Required: No
Competitive/Noncompetitive: Competitive
Amount Announced: $1,000,000.00

To view the details regarding this solicitation and others, please click on the Funding Announcement Title listed above. You can view detailed documentation regarding these Funding Announcements by clicking on the Funding Announcement Title on the screen.

You must be registered with PCCD to access the Egrants System. If you are not registered, visit the website and select Register. Once your registration is accepted, select the Login button. Enter the User ID and Password established when you registered, and Login to the system through the Egrants Production link. Then you will see the User Management Profile Details page. You must save this information in order to access the system.

Contact RCPA Children’s Division Director Jim Sharp with questions.

The following Grant Opportunities are now open in the Pennsylvania Commission on Crime & Delinquency (PCCD) Egrants System:

Funding Announcement Title: County Jail-Based Medication Assisted Treatment
Plan Year: 2019
Release Date: 8/26/2019
Due Date: 10/4/2019
Concept Papers Required: No
Competitive/Noncompetitive: Competitive
Amount Announced: $1,900,000.00

To view the details regarding this solicitation and others, please click on the Funding Announcement Title listed above. You can view detailed documentation regarding these Funding Announcements by clicking on the Funding Announcement Title on the screen.

You must be registered with PCCD to access the Egrants System. If you are not registered, visit this website and select “Login.” Then select “Register.” Once your registration is accepted, revisit the Login page. Enter the User ID and Password established when you registered, and log in to the system through the Egrants Production link. Then you will see the User Management Profile Details page. You must save this information in order to access the system.

RCPA’s Human Resources Committee met this week, and there was discussion regarding provider responsibilities for trainings for their employees and resources available to provide the needed training. We want to clarify that these requirements apply to providers of Medicare services, not Medicaid.

CMS offers an online resource – Medicare Learning Network (MLN) as a free resource to the public. One area covered in the MLN is Medicare Parts C and D Compliance and Fraud, Waste, and Abuse (FWA) Trainings. Prior to January 1, 2019, CMS required providers of Medicare services to utilize their training to meet this requirement. Beginning January 1, 2019, CMS no longer requires health care providers participating in Medicare Advantage and Part D plans to complete CMS issued training, in order to allow the training to be offered in a manner that is tailored to each organization’s operations and risks.

Providers of Medicaid Services (Waiver services are funded through Medicaid) are not mandated to provide FWA training to their employees. Although this is not a mandated training, providers may offer this training as a part of your compliance training for all staff.

For more information regarding these training requirements, please refer to the CMS website and the Compliance Program Frequently Asked Questions document. If you have any further questions, please contact Carol Ferenz.

Join RCPA in supporting National Recovery Month in September. Immediately following the kick-off event, RCPA will be holding their Drug & Alcohol Division meeting on September 4, 2019 at 1:00 pm at the RCPA office, 777 E Park Drive, Harrisburg, PA. Please register to attend our meeting which will feature guest speakers from the Department of Drug and Alcohol Programs and the Office of Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services. Please forward any agenda items to Tina Miletic for review and discussion. We look forward to your participation.

Natl Recovery Month Kickoff 2019

The PA Opioid Command Center is sponsoring the first Opioid Command Center Summit on October 1 and 2, 2019 in State College, PA. The summit focus is “Think Globally, Act Locally.” The audience for the summit consists of professionals, community members, families, and all others who have been affected by the Opioid Crisis in Pennsylvania. A block of hotel rooms has been reserved for this conference and will be available at a discounted rate until rooms are filled. Please contact the Wyndham Garden Inn State College, 814-466-7231, and ask for room block 0930190PI-001 or the Hilton Garden Inn State College, 814-272-1221, and ask for room block DOH for room reservations.

To register for the summit, you must create a TRAIN PA account, search for the course ID, and select the register for this course option. Instructions for completing the entire process are available here. If you already have a TRAIN PA account, enter Course ID 1086352 into the Search TRAIN field. REGISTER HERE.

You are invited to submit an abstract for a summit lecture, panel discussion, or a half-day course that focuses on local-level initiatives to address the opioid epidemic in Pennsylvania. Presenters are welcome to submit multiple abstracts; please submit each abstract as a separate application. To apply, please complete the Call for Abstracts and submit to this email by August 28, 2019.

Why Present?

  • Provide information or spread the word on which local practices are saving lives
  • Develop and expand your professional portfolio
  • Collaborate with experts in the field and receive recognition for, and feedback about, your program
  • Presenters receive reasonable travel expenses, including one night of lodging, and lunch the day of their presentation

If you have any questions or concerns, please email the Opioid Command Center or contact Jack Phillips, RCPA Director of Government Affairs.

The Self-Determination Housing Project of Pennsylvania is hosting a webinar; “811 Project Rental Assistance Overview” on Monday, August 19, 2019 at 10:00 am. The webinar will cover program eligibility, priority populations, how to become a stakeholder, and what the process looks like once someone is referred to an 811 unit. Please follow the link below to register for the webinar and feel free to share this information with colleagues and those in your network who would be interested in this topic.

Please register in advance for this webinar. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar. If you have any questions, please reach out to the 811 Team.

Please adjust your schedules for a new date and time of the RCPA Drug and Alcohol Division Meeting. RCPA is changing the date of this meeting to Wednesday, September 4 from 1:00 pm–4:00 pm, to be held in the RCPA Conference Room, Penn Grant Centre, 777 E Park Drive, Suite 300, Harrisburg, PA.

The September 4 meeting at 1:00 pm will replace the originally scheduled meeting on September 10 at 12:30 pm. Please plan to attend this meeting where we will introduce Kristen Houser, the new RCPA Drug and Alcohol Division Director, and she will begin her work with RCPA members. Register here to attend.

ISSUE DATE: July 30, 2019

EFFECTIVE DATE: October 1, 2019

SCOPE: This bulletin applies to all behavioral health providers licensed or approved by the Office of Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services (OMHSAS) or the Department of Drug and Alcohol Programs (DDAP) that are enrolled in the Medical Assistance (MA) program, or who seek to enroll, revalidate, or re-activate their enrollment.

PURPOSE: The purpose of this bulletin is to:

  • Clarify for behavioral health providers the applicability of the requirements published in the Medical Assistance Bulletin (MAB) 99-18-11, “Service Location Enrollment Deadline,” which reminded providers to enroll each service location out of which they operate; and
  • Advise behavioral health providers that effective October 1, 2019, they must use the enrolled service location at which a service was provided on claims.

The following link will provide access to the bulletin: OMHSAS 19-02 – Service Location Enrollment for BH Providers.

Additionally, we have been advised by OMHSAS that as providers continue to enroll service locations, providers can utilize their main physical site address for billing pending site enrollment in PROMISe. If you have any questions, please contact RCPA Mental Health Division Director Sarah Eyster or RCPA Children’s Division Director Jim Sharp.

The Office of Developmental Programs (ODP) and the Office of Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services (OMHSAS) are pleased to announce a statewide conference focused on building capacity to better support the complex needs of individuals in the community. The conference theme is Expanding Capacity: Reaching Further.

The Conference will be held on Wednesday, August 21 and Thursday, August 22, 2019 at the Blair County Convention Center, 1 Convention Center Drive, Altoona, PA 16602.

Keynote and Plenary Speakers include:

  • Gina Calhoun – Program Director, Doors to Wellbeing, National Consumer Technical Assistance Center
     Topic: WRAP: Living a Self-Determined Well Life
  • Julie Gentile, MD, Professor and Chair, Psychiatry – Wright State University
     Topic: Practicing Medicine in the Digital World
  • Angela Moreland, PhD – Assistant Professor, National Crime Victims Research and Treatment Center, Medical University of South Carolina
     Topic: Trauma-Informed Cognitive Behavioral Therapy: From Research to Practice

Breakout Session Topics include:

  • The Importance of Data Collection Relevant to Behavior Change and Medication;
  • Autism and the Justice System;
  • Communication and Collaboration: Supporting Transition Across the Lifespan; and
  • Creative Strategies for Mental Health Professional in State Hospitals.

For more information, visit: https://www.myodp.org/mod/url/view.php?id=22147
For registration information, visit: https://www.myodp.org/mod/url/view.php?id=22147REGISTRATION:

Online registration is now open and will remain available until Friday, August 9, 2019. The registration fee is $100 and includes lunch, break snacks, and all materials.

This conference is hosted by the Office of Developmental Programs and the Office of Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services and supported by the Money Follows the Person grant funded by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services.