Intellectual & Developmental Disabilities

RCPA member CMU has announced the following staff updates:

Patrick Slattery has been named Chief Executive Officer of The CMU and joins the organization after more than 30 years in various direct care and leadership roles across multiple organizations including KidsPeace and Sheppard Pratt Health Systems.  Patrick brings a servant leadership approach to the team and is especially excited to continue vital partnerships with Dauphin County and the many outstanding providers and stakeholders who impact the lives of the more than 5,000 people and their families served each year.  Relationships are the key, and he is grateful for the positive collaborations with CMU Board President, Doug Hill and his board colleagues, outstanding Dauphin County Commissioners George P. Hartwick, III, Justin Douglas and Mike Pries and Dauphin County Human Services leaders, Director Randie Yeager, Administrator Andrea Kepler and Deputy Mental Health Administrator Rachael Clifton.

Dan Sausman has retired from The CMU effective 9/13/2024 after 42+ years of service.  Dan is widely recognized as an expert in the field and among the finest people with whom I have worked.   His impact on our organization, colleagues and community will endure for many years to come as we continue to provide our services at the highest levels.  Dan lives and breathes the mission, vision and values of our organization leaving a legacy of service that we can all aspire to emulate.

William “Bill’ Price IV is promoted to the role of Director of Mental Health Services and leads all related services from Administrative/Intake to Blended Case Management (BCM) service delivery.  Bill has an extensive background in forensic mental health and is a dynamic leader with more than 18 years of service to CMU and nearly 30 years in the field.  Bill has a strong “can do” approach and is always quick with a smile and great attitude!

Amber Wolferd is promoted to the role of Director of Developmental Servies and leads all Intellectual Developmental Disability/Autism (IDD/A) services from Intake to Supports Coordination and Early Intervention/Service Coordination.  Amber is succeeding long time Director Dan Sausman after his 42+ years of service.  Amber brings a relentless enthusiasm for our mission along with technical skills aimed at continuous quality improvement to perfect the craft of Supports and Service Coordination.

Sarah Freeland is promoted to the role of Deputy Director of Developmental Services and leads the team of Supports Coordination Supervisors who help roughly 1,500 people via 28 Supports Coordinators.  Sarah has served the mission of the organization in various roles over the past 7 years and shares Amber’s enthusiasm for creating the most impressive teams of Supports Coordinators to benefit those we serve across all of Dauphin County.

Sarah Mumper is promoted to the role of Director of Operations and leads all Human Resources efforts as well as Accounts Payables and building operations.  Sarah must be cloned as she is a true force of nature on the team!  With more than 7 years of service to CMU, she brings unparalleled dedication and commitment to our mission.

Randi Rosati is promoted to the role of Human Resources Specialist and leads the payroll function as well as associate onboarding and recruitment.  Randi has served CMU for more than 15 years and forms the dynamic duo of Sarah and Randi as the organizational glue that keeps us all together.

 Jeremy Shaffer is promoted to the role of Director of Information Technology and leads our Help Desk team as well as driving the network, billing, and electronic health record systems.  Jeremy has served CMU for more than 20 years and applies his vast technical skills along with a deep empathy for the work that we do each day.

The Office of Developmental Programs (ODP) has shared a Health Alert regarding accompanying individuals to emergency rooms. The alert discusses how it is critical that community home staff accompany individuals to the hospital, stay informed about treatments, be actively involved in discharge arrangements, and understand the follow-up care required. This health alert serves as a reminder of the importance of continuity of care in these situations. Please review the alert for additional information and detail.

October is National Disability Employment Awareness Month (NDEAM). Although the work to support individuals to obtain and maintain competitive integrated employment continues throughout the year, NDEAM presents an opportunity to recognize, celebrate, and confirm our commitment to ensuring individuals with disabilities have access to employment opportunities.

Proclamation From Governor Josh Shapiro
In recognition of National Disability Employment Awareness Month, Governor Josh Shapiro issued a proclamation to highlight Pennsylvania’s efforts in ensuring everyone has the right to competitive integrated employment opportunities. The proclamation is attached to this email.

Employment Events Across the Commonwealth
To celebrate NDEAM, the Office of Developmental Programs’ (ODP) is highlighting some of the many NDEAM and other employment related events happening across the Commonwealth this October. Please note this list is not exhaustive, and there may be other events happening in your local community.

Download the National Disability Employment Awareness Month (NDEAM) Event Schedule here

Employment Data:

As of January 2024:

  • 8,239 individuals, ages 18-64, enrolled with ODP had “Competitive Integrated Employment” or CIE.
  • 4,548 individuals enrolled with ODP were utilizing ODP’s employment services.

The Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) defines Competitive Integrated Employment as work that is performed on a full-time or part-time basis for which an individual is:

  • Compensated at or above minimum wage and comparable to the customary rate paid by the employer to employees without disabilities performing similar duties and with similar training and experience.
  • The Individual receives the same level of benefits provided to other employees without disabilities in similar positions; at a location where the employee interacts with other individuals without disabilities; and presents opportunities for advancement similar to other employees without disabilities in other positions.

Providers who hold a license to operate a facility licensed by the Pennsylvania Department of Human Services (DHS) are being notified of a change to the Civil Rights Compliance process. There is a new Civil Rights Compliance form when submitting a new licensing application as well as a new Civil Rights Compliance Renewal form when submitting a licensing renewal application.

Entities seeking a new license will utilize a Civil Rights Compliance (CRC) form (HS2126). The prior Civil Rights Compliance (CRC) form is now obsolete and will be returned back to providers. This form must be included in the packet submitted as part of any new license request. The new application, supporting documents, and CRC form must be emailed to the DHS office that issues your license; the email address can be found in the chart below.

Entities licensed by OCDEL or ODP who use CLS or PELICAN to submit new applications must submit the form by email. The CRC forms are not part of the electronic CLS/PELICAN new application process. The updated CRC form for new applications can be found on the DHS website under the “Application for License” page.

For licensing renewals, a licensee will now submit a CRC Renewal form (HS 2125). The prior Attestation form is now obsolete and will be returned back to providers. The renewal form must be submitted as part of a renewal licensing application, and the renewal notice will still be sent out 130 days prior to expiration. The renewal application must be emailed to the DHS office that issues your license; the email address can be found in the chart below.

Entities licensed by OCDEL or ODP who use CLS or PELICAN to submit renewal applications must submit the renewal by email. The renewal is not part of the electronic CLS/PELICAN renewal application process. The CRC form for can be found on the DHS website under the “Application for License” page.

Previously, the DHS Bureau of Equal Opportunity (BEO) would issue you a letter verifying that you are compliant with applicable civil rights laws. With the new process, a letter from BEO will no longer be sent out to licensed entities. Instead, the issuance of the new license or renewal license will indicate that your CRC form or renewal form submission was approved. If there are issues or questions on the submitted CRC or renewal form, a staff member from BEO or DHS will contact you.

If your license is issued by… Submit your application AND your CRC form (if new license)
or  CRC Renewal (if license renewal) to:
The Bureau of Human Services Licensing (Renewals) – PCH & ALR [email protected]
For NEW applications for Personal Care Homes or Assisted Living Residences Send the application, supporting documents, Civil Rights Compliance Form (HS2126) and the application fee, check or money order payable to DHS to:

Via USPS:                              Or via courier:

DHS/BHSL                                 DHS/BHSL

Room 623                                  Health & Human Services Bldg.

PO Box 2675                              Rm 623

Harrisburg, PA 17105-2675        625 Forster Street

Harrisburg, PA 17120

The Office of Children, Youth, and Families [email protected]
The Office of Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services [email protected]
The Office of Developmental Programs* [email protected]
The Office of Child Development and Early Learning* Child care providers should include their MPI number in the subject line and email the appropriate regional office:  

Northeast Region:

[email protected]

Central Region:

[email protected]

Counties: Dauphin, Cumberland,

Lancaster, York, Adams, Lebanon and York

[email protected]

Counties: Snyder, Perry, Juniata, Centre, Mifflin, Tioga, Lycoming, Northumberland, Union and Clinton

South Region:

[email protected]

Western Region:

[email protected]

Counties: Allegheny, Armstrong, Beaver, Butler, Cameron, Clarion, Clearfield, Crawford, Elk, Erie, Fayette, Forest, Greene, Indiana, Jefferson, Lawrence, McKean, Mercer, Potter, Venango, Warren, Washington and Westmoreland

[email protected]

Counties: Bedford, Blair, Cambria, Franklin, Fulton, Huntingdon and Somerset

*Licensees who use CLS or PELICAN to submit renewal applications must submit the renewal by email. The renewal is not part of the electronic CLS/PELICAN renewal application process.

The new process is effective on Tuesday, October 1, 2024. Existing licensees and applicants must begin following the new process on or before that date.

If you have any questions about the new process, please contact the applicable DHS office, DHS Human Services Licensing Office at 717-705-0383, or, if your facility is a childcare facility, please reach the Office of Development and Early Learning (OCDEL) at Western Region 1-800-222-2149, Central Region (Harrisburg) at 1-800-222-2117, Northeast Region (Scranton) at 1-800-222-2108, or Southeast Region (North & South) at 1-800-346-2929.

If you have any questions or need assistance with the completion of your civil rights compliance application, please contact Bureau of Equal Opportunity Licensing office at 717-787-1579 or electronically.

Thank you for your commitment to protecting the rights of Pennsylvania’s most vulnerable citizens. If you have any additional questions, please contact your respective RCPA Policy Director.

Intellectual Disability/Autism (ID/A) Waiver Amendments Effective January 1, 2025

Audience: All Stakeholders
Date: October 30, 2024, 11:00 am – 12:00 pm
Register Here

The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) approved amendments to the Consolidated, Community Living, and Person/Family Directed Support Waivers (ID/A Waivers) effective January 1, 2025. This webinar will provide a general overview of the changes made in the ID/A waivers. There will be time during the session for presenters to answer questions submitted by participants during the webinar.

Tablet on a desk - Newsletter

The Office of Developmental Programs (ODP) has shared their Division of Quality Management’s QM Spotlight, the 11th in a series of quarterly publications. This issue focuses on QM Plan quarterly reports, a very important part of the PDCA cycle. You can find this resource and many others on the QM Templates and Tools web page on MyODP, including the very comprehensive ODP QM Certification Handbook. Visit here to view QM Spotlight, Issue 11 — Fall Edition 2024.

RCPA joined with other ID/A Associations, including The Alliance of Community Service Providers, The Arc of Pennsylvania, PAR, MAX and TPA, in a letter to Governor Shapiro to thank him for recognizing the strain on individuals, families, and service providers across the intellectual disability and autism (ID/A) community and to discuss ongoing changes that are needed in the way service rates are updated. These changes are necessary so that our system can always meet its duty of care.

The full letter is available here, and we encourage our members to share this letter with your legislators in order to gain their understanding and support of our systemic needs.

For any questions, contact Carol Ferenz, IDD Division Director.

The Office of Developmental Programs (ODP) has shared an update to communication ODPANN 24-085, which is intended to provide the hourly wage and benefits ranges for specific participant directed services (PDS) provided to participants utilizing the AWC FMS model effective October 1, 2024. Please note that the update is in red.

Please use this version of the announcement going forward.