Intellectual & Developmental Disabilities

Engagement: The Biggest Predictor of Success
Christopher M. Owens, MA, LPC, CCTP, C-DBT
March 7, 2024
1:00 pm – 4:15 pm
Holiday Inn, Grantville, PA

Research clearly demonstrates that the single biggest predictor of therapeutic success is the strength of the clinical relationship. The helper’s ongoing focus on engagement is central to this alliance. Awareness of the importance of engagement, however, does not mitigate the myriad obstacles that interfere with developing and maintaining rapport. This course will define the concept of engagement and highlight its significance in clinical settings. Additionally, barriers will be discussed from the practitioner’s perspective. Strategies will also be provided to assist helpers in improving engagement with those they serve.

Register on the BHE website.

The BHE Toolkit 2: Specific Practices for the Art of Helping People With Anxiety
Christopher M. Owens, MA, LPC, CCTP, C-DBT
March 8, 2024
9:00 am – 3:30 pm
Holiday Inn, Grantville, PA

This course focuses on specific interventions of use to the professional helper when providing therapeutic services in behavioral healthcare. The aim of this workshop is to add to the helper’s “bag of tricks” or “toolkit” pertaining to assisting people with anxiety. Participants engage in didactic and experiential learning related to several anxiety-specific interventions. Participants also dialogue in small groups to share creative and effective interventions they have used in their various practice settings.

Register on the BHE website.

Thursday, April 11, 2024
2:00 pm – 3:00 pm EDT; 1:00 pm – 2:00 pm CDT;
12:00 pm – 1:00 pm MDT; 11:00 am – 12:00 pm PDT
Register Here

Please join us as IPRC hosts Terrence Carolan from CARF International to share the new Concussion Rehabilitation Program Standards.

Terrence Carolan 
Terrence Carolan is the current Managing Director of Medical Rehabilitation and Aging Services for CARF International after having been a CARF surveyor for 10 years. Prior to his role as Managing Director, Terrence worked at Select Medical and Kessler Institute for Rehabilitation for 20 years as a physical therapist, clinical manager, Director of Education, and Assistant Vice President of Program Development and Education for the Inpatient Rehabilitation Division.

Objectives: At the end of this session, the learner will:

  • Describe the interdisciplinary approach to care in Concussion Rehabilitation Programs;
  • Define how field-driven Concussion Rehabilitation Program standards can be used to create, support, and maintain the team approach to care; and
  • Demonstrate how peer-led surveys can support the growth and development of Concussion Rehab Programs.

Audience: This webinar is intended for all interested members of the rehabilitation team; attendees do not need to be CARF Accredited in order to attend.

Level: Intermediate

Certificate of Attendance: Certificates of attendance are available for all attendees. No CEs are provided for this course.

The Pennsylvania Office of Developmental Programs (ODP) has informed us that they are preparing to release the proposed Performance-Based Contracting Waiver for public comment within the next two months, with adoption of the system in January 2025 for all residential service providers. Prior to January, all providers will be evaluated, determining which providers are considered primary, select, or meet the clinically enhanced standards.

RCPA is assessing the extent to which IDD providers are prepared to meet these new expectations. This survey will help inform our advocacy efforts with ODP to ease the transition to this new service model, and assure the welfare of the individuals being served in these programs.

We need your help with completing this survey that will help assess our readiness. A PDF copy of the survey can be accessed here, so that you can preview the questions and gather any information you believe will be helpful in completing the survey. When you are ready to complete the survey, you can access the survey online.

We have extended the deadline in order to allow for additional provider participation. Please complete the survey by COB on Thursday February 29, 2024.

If you have any questions regarding this survey, please contact either Dr. Scott Spreat (via email or 215-750-4015) or Carol Ferenz (via email or 717-364-3282).

Thank you for your participation.

Richard S. Edley
President and CEO

The Department of Aging has released the second draft of Aging Our Way, PA, the department’s name for Pennsylvania’s 10-year strategic plan to support improvement in infrastructure and services for older adults. This second draft is open for a 30-day comment period until March 20. Visit here for details and instructions on submitting comments, and please consider providing feedback on the plan.

If you have any questions, please contact RCPA Policy Director Fady Sahhar.

The Office of Developmental Programs (ODP) has shared the communication, ODPANN 21:046 Reissue: Process for 180-Day and 365 Day Timely Filing Edits: Exception and Special Handling Requests and its accompanying attachment. This UPDATED communication is intended to instruct providers on how to proceed when a claim denial is received for Error Status Codes (ESC) 545 and 512. Please review the announcement for additional guidance and information.