Intellectual & Developmental Disabilities

In response to several questions from RCPA members regarding the CARES Act and FFRCA, RCPA will be hosting a webinar on Tuesday, April 7 at 12:30 pm – 2:00 pm, featuring Diane Edelstein, CPA, Partner, Maher Duessel.

The presentation will cover the various financial resources, grants, and loans available to human service organizations, among other topics. Time will be allowed for your questions.

Please register here to participate.

There will be an opportunity to submit questions on the webinar using the “question” pane in the toolbar. In order for Ms. Edelstein to address as many questions as possible during the webinar, please submit your questions prior to this event by sending them to Allison Brognia, no later than Monday, April 6, 5:00 pm ET. We look forward to your participation.

ODP updated Announcement 20-023 to provide notice that certain functions managed by ODP will be suspended statewide, until further notice. Previously this suspension was for a period of 14 days, beginning March 17, 2020. This update makes the information in ODP Announcement 20-020 pertaining to suspended functions obsolete.

This is the list of suspended functions:

  • Supports Intensity Scale (SIS) and PA Supplement Assessments
  • Quality Assessment and Improvement (QA&I): Administrative Entity (AE), Supports Coordination Organization (SCO) and Provider Corrective Action Plans (CAPS) and Directed Corrective Action Plans (DCAPS) activities*
    *All CAPS/DCAPS for QA&I continue to be suspended until further notice. ODP or the AE can determine exceptions when the CAPS and DCAPS are necessary to assure health and safety. In these cases, ODP or AE will communicate the expectation of the implementation of the CAP/DCAPs directly to the impacted party.
  • Communication Assessments and Reassessments related to the Harry M Settlement
  • Annual licensing inspections as specified at 55 Pa. Code § 20.31. (relating to Annual inspection) for Chapters 2380, 2390, 6400 and 6500
  • Independent Monitoring for Quality (IM4Q) interviews

ODP Announcement 20-037 outlines acceptable modifications of the key tasks and activities required during the management of incidents. This communication highlights these strategies and gives additional detail to allow for a thorough incident response and investigation while maintaining social distancing protocols. In addition, the Enterprise Incident Management (EIM) system will be modified to allow users to document incidents related to the COVID-19 virus via an indicator question added to all incident reports.

Beginning 4/3/2020, providers and supports coordination organizations will be able to document suspected/confirmed COVID-19 diagnoses in EIM incident reports. Entering an incident and documenting suspected/confirmed diagnosis is mandatory. This includes any time an individual has a test for suspected COVID-19 virus and/or a COVID-19 virus diagnosis. In the event that an individual receives testing at a location other than an emergency room (i.e. drive-thru test, primary care physician’s office, etc.), the incident must be reported using the primary category of emergency room visit–illness new. Modifications of the incident management process due to COVID-19 will remain in effect until further notice.

Providers and supports coordination organizations serve as the Department’s front-line professionals and have the capacity and skillset to recognize and report COVID-19 related incidents in near real-time. This reporting is critical so that the Department may use the data for public health related trending and analysis in an effort to ensure that risk mitigation and response strategies are in place to protect Pennsylvanian’s most vulnerable citizens.

Please note: Supports Coordination Organizations are required to report incidents related to the COVID-19 virus, unless the incident was reported and documented by another source. The requirement to report incidents of COVID-19 diagnosis extends to all individuals, regardless of service provision at the time of the incident.

Additionally, during the management of the COVID-19 virus, incidents will continue to be reported and investigated per the ODP Incident Management Bulletin 6000-04-01. At all points during the incident management process, face to face contact should be limited and social distancing protocols should be followed. Social distancing does not eliminate the requirement to assess and mitigate risks to health, safety, and rights, and to implement preventative corrective actions as appropriate.

Serious concerns for an individual’s safety and well-being must be immediately communicated to protective service entities, law enforcement, and other appropriate authorities. Information obtained from wellness visits conducted by these other authorities (in lieu of face to face contacts by ODP entities) can be used to ensure that actions taken to protect safety and well-being have been implemented and are effective.

Please see ODP’s Communication 20-037 for full details regarding the Incident Management process and the Certified Investigator and Administrative Review processes changes.

 Questions: Contact your Regional Program Office or Incident Management Policy Mailbox.

OVR has released guidance on the provision of vocational rehabilitation services during a period of state mandated mitigation strategies for slowing the spread of the Coronavirus (COVID-19).

All Commonwealth businesses should follow the most recent guidance issued by the Governor’s Office. Please reference the guide for Responding to COVID-19 in Pennsylvania for updated information.

Opportunities for staff and providers to ask questions and discuss the instructions given in the memos regarding OVR services during this time period will occur via Skype webinars on Tuesday, April 7, 2020. Information regarding these webinars will be forthcoming.

Please visit the Department of Community & Economic Development’s (DCED) website for resources for businesses affected by COVID-19, along with a current list of businesses allowed to operate and the waiver/exemption form (if applicable).

Vendors are responsible for ensuring that they are adhering to the Governor’s direction, universal precautions, and social distancing requirements. This information is intended to be a guide regarding the allowable services and service provision methodologies OVR will be adhering to during the COVID-19 mitigation response and does not apply to any other circumstance.

General Vocational Rehabilitation Services
Vocational Rehabilitation Services are considered an allowable business in accordance with the direction of the Governor’s office and as referenced on the DCED website. The nature of vocational rehabilitation services normally requires activities to be performed in person. Accordingly, OVR will be working with its vendor community to implement alternative service provision to allow services to continue where possible. However, it is the responsibility of the vendor to direct their staff in accordance with the requirements outlined by the Governor, their governing agencies, boards, commissions, and/or executive leadership.

For information regarding what services are able and unable to be performed at this time, refer to the above document. If you are unsure of how to proceed, please contact your local OVR District Office.

Office of Vocational Rehabilitation Executive Director Shannon Austin released guidance today (April 3, 2020) for providers about the provision of Supported Employment Services during a period of state-mandated mitigation strategies for slowing the spread of Coronavirus Disease-2019 (COVID-19).

The Pennsylvania Office of Vocational Rehabilitation (OVR) is committed to providing quality services to Pennsylvanians with disabilities. During this unprecedented time, the health and safety of our customers, staff, and community partners remain our top priority. All Commonwealth businesses should follow the most recent guidance issued by the Governor’s Office. Please reference the guide for Responding to COVID-19 in Pennsylvania for updated information. Please visit the Department of Community & Economic Development’s (DCED) website for resources for businesses affected by COVID-19, along with a current list of businesses allowed to operate and the waiver/exemption form (if applicable).

This document only applies to Supported Employment services. Supported Employment (SE) services may not be provided virtually unless specified. Activities, both direct and indirect, that are billable for SE services remain the same as outlined in the Billable Activities Reference for OVR Supported Employment Services section. During this time, specific SE services will be handled as outlined in the above referenced document.

The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) has been hosting regular stakeholder calls for a variety of health care providers, including clinicians, hospitals, and other facilities in order to keep them updated on their COVID-19 efforts. Because so many are busy with COVID-19, these calls have been recorded. Members can access both the recordings of these calls as well as the transcripts. Both are available on the CMS Outreach and Education website.