Intellectual & Developmental Disabilities

ODP has issued a corrected version of ODP Announcement 19-127 REVISED with the following message:

“Dear Colleagues,

Yesterday, the Pennsylvania Office of Developmental Programs (ODP) issued ODPANN 19-127, Investigations by an ODP-Certified Investigator Required by Chapter 6100: ODP’s Expectations and Implementation Strategy.

The announcement contained a typographical error suggesting that all allegations of abuse to an individual by another individual must be investigated within 120 days of Chapter 6100’s publication.

The announcement has been corrected to clarify the ODP’s expectations for investigating allegations of abuse to an individual by another individual. We apologize for any confusion this may have caused.

Please contact the ODP Regulatory Administration Unit with any questions.”

The US Department of Labor has announced ‘The Right Talent, Right Now’ as the theme for 2019 National Disability Employment Awareness Month (NDEAM). Observed each October, NDEAM celebrates the contributions of workers with disabilities and educates about the value of a workforce inclusive of their skills and talents. The 2019 theme emphasizes the essential role that people with disabilities play in America’s economic success, especially in an era when historically low unemployment and global competition are creating a high demand for skilled talent. The Department’s Office of Disability Employment Policy (ODEP) administers NDEAM.

“Every day, individuals with disabilities add significant value and talent to our workforce and economy,” said US Secretary of Labor Alexander Acosta. “Individuals with disabilities offer employers diverse perspectives on how to tackle challenges and achieve success. Individuals with disabilities have the right talent, right now.”

Observed annually in October, NDEAM celebrates America’s workers with disabilities both past and present, and emphasizes the importance of inclusive policies and practices, to ensure that all Americans who want to work can work and have access to services and supports to enable them to do so. With continued advances in such supports, including accessible technology, it is easier than ever before for America’s employers to hire people with disabilities in high-demand jobs.

The official 2019 NDEAM poster is available for downloading or to order. For additional information, contact Carol Ferenz.

September is Emergency Preparedness Month. While there frequently seems to be a day, week, or month dedicated to recognizing or learning about various topics, this particular topic became a pertinent event this week. The newly renovated central office of a LEAP (Life Enrichment Advancing People), a nonprofit agency in Maine, was leveled in an explosion on Monday. LEAP provides community services to individuals with intellectual disabilities. The explosion occurred on Monday morning shortly after the LEAP Maintenance Director noticed a strong smell of gas in the basement of the building and alerted everyone to evacuate the building before it exploded. Sadly, one of the firefighters who responded to the call was killed in the explosion, and six other people were injured, including the Maintenance Director.

LEAP is a member of ANCOR, as is RCPA, and so we share a connection. There has been much conversation regarding this incident in an online ANCOR Forum. LEAP CEO Darryl Wood responded to the outpouring of support on this forum, stating:

There are heroes among us. Our maintenance director evacuated everyone and was working with the first responders when the explosion occurred. Many lives were saved by an attentive person and a team that evacuated as we practiced. Don’t take those emergency plans for granted folks.

Inspired by Darryl’s message, ANCOR is offering two webinar recordings about emergency preparedness free of charge to their members. Offering these webinars is only a small part — but hopefully a meaningful part — of how ANCOR works to support our friends at LEAP and, more broadly, ANCOR members who experience all manner of disasters.

Both of these webinars, which were broadcast previously, offer information that remains relevant for providers seeking to understand the steps they can take to be more responsive to disasters of all kinds. To access the webinars, please use the following links:

We hope all providers take the time to reflect on disaster preparedness by watching these recordings, as well as to review your Disaster Plans and training for all staff and people supported. Other actions that have been suggested include:

  • Evaluate the location of your meeting place when evacuating. In this case, it was really far from the building, yet right on the periphery of the blast area.
  • When evacuating, people should leave immediately and not stop to pick up personal items.
  • People should not attempt to use their cell phones while the emergency is in process. Among other things, phones can trigger explosions.
  • If you have propane at any one of your sites, you should have a propane detector.

In an upcoming issue of RCPA News, there will be additional information provided, as well as resources available to assist agencies with emergency preparedness. For any questions regarding this info or how to assist LEAP in their recovery from this disaster, contact Carol Ferenz, RCPA IDD Division Director.

ODP Announcement 19-123 was issued to provide an update to the QA&I process for Cycle 1, Year 3. In July 2018, ODP issued Bulletin 00-18-04, “Interim Technical Guidance for Claim and Service Documentation,” which provided guidance to providers of Consolidated, Community Living, and P/FDS waiver services and Targeted Support Management. The QA&I Cycle 1, Year 3 review process includes a review of the documentation specified in this bulletin. This review of claims and service documentation is intended to verify that services were provided as authorized, in accordance with established policies.

ODP conducts a review of a proportionate random representative sample of paid claims for services in the Consolidated, Community Living, and P/FDS waivers based on the providers and SCOs being monitored in the current year of the QA&I cycle to ensure that the claims are supported by adequate documentation. As part of the year 3 process, ODP has reached out to providers who did not initially submit sufficient information in order to clarify the information required and provide additional time for submission. This was done to:

  • Assure a common understanding of the requirements;
  • Assist in verifying that all the available information was used in the assessment of compliance;
  • Enable ODP to pinpoint issues related to any non-compliance; and
  • Provide information to support future training and the revision planned to ODP Bulletin #00-18-04 when the 55 Pa. Code Chapter 6100 regulations are promulgated.

This has extended the review process. As a result, ODP is revising the expectations outlined in the Quality Assessment and Improvement Process document, dated 6/6/19, related to claims and service documentation only. The Assigned AE will receive a copy of the ODP findings letter and the provider’s response to the Corrective Action Plan (CAP) or Directed Corrective Action Plan (DCAP).

If the Assigned AE receives the above information prior to the onsite visit to the provider, they are expected to review and validate completion of the Plan to Prevent Recurrence (PPR), when the CAP submitted by the provider included a PPR. This review should include progress made in implementation and, if implementation occurred prior to the onsite visit, an examination of records to see if the changes made are having the desired result. This information shall be noted in the Comprehensive Report and added to the CAP form.

In situations where the Assigned AE receives a copy of the ODP findings letter and the provider’s response to the CAP or DCAP after their onsite visit to the provider, the AE shall notify ODP and include the date(s) of the site visit. This information shall be noted in the Comprehensive Report.

Questions regarding this communication should be directed to this email.

ODP Announcement 19-120 shares that EVV training registration is now open for providers, provider agencies, and AWCs who will use the DHS Sandata EVV system and that ODP-specific EVV technical guidance is also now available.

Training in the DHS sponsored Sandata EVV system is required in order for service providers electing to use the system to gain access to it. Further, only after the DHS sponsored Sandata EVV system training is completed will login credentials facilitating full use the system be made available to training registrants. These login credentials may be shared in support of business needs as appropriate by service provider personnel completing the training.

Training on the use the DHS sponsored Sandata EVV system is now available in three formats. Please use this Sandata EVV Classroom Training Registration Link to register for any of the training formats. Providers may elect any of the three training formats to meet the requirements. Please refer to the PA EVV Agency Provider Training Registration Quick Reference Guide included with this announcement for further information.

For any questions you have concerning registration for any of these training sessions, please contact Pennsylvania EVV Support Hotline at 1-800-248-2152.

Available on the DHS EVV website is a new resource for ODP-specific EVV technical guidance. The DHS EVV Technical Guidance document is included with this announcement and is also available via this link.

The Office of Developmental Programs (ODP) would like to remind providers of the scheduled face-to-face trainings regarding residential Individual Support Plan (ISP) staffing, as it pertains to services funded through the Consolidated and Community Living Waivers. This training will provide information on revisions to the annotated ISP and its impact on the documentation of staffing support provided to people receiving residential habilitation services in waiver-funded settings. Please see ODP Announcement 19-112 Reissue, Residential Individual Support Plan Staffing Face to Face Training Available, for further details. If you have any questions, please reach out to your ODP Regional Office.

ODP has announced the 2019 Technology Innovation Conference, which will demonstrate the latest innovations, inventions, and ideas to build a strong support foundation for individuals with disabilities throughout the Commonwealth. The conference will be offered on two separate days, in different locations. Choose the location and date most convenient for you:

  • Tuesday, October 8
    David Lawrence Convention Center, 1000 Fort Duquesne Blvd, Pittsburgh, PA 15222
  • Thursday, October 24
    Valley Forge Convention Center, 1160 1st Ave, King of Prussia, PA 19406

View the registration flyer for further information.

ODP Announcement 19-119 serves to announce the release of the Comprehensive Employment Report for the third quarter, fiscal year 2018/2019.

Pennsylvania became an Employment First State on March 10, 2016, when Governor Tom Wolf signed Executive Order 2016-03, “Establishing ‘Employment First’ Policy and Increasing Competitive-Integrated Employment for Pennsylvanians with a Disability.” The Executive Order established policy for agencies under the Governor’s jurisdiction, requiring competitive-integrated employment be the first consideration and preferred outcome of all publicly-funded education, employment and training, and long-term supports and service programs for working-age Pennsylvanians with a disability. This report provides data demonstrating the results of the efforts focused on increasing the number of individuals employed in a competitive-integrated job. The data shows results by region as well as statewide. The statewide percentage of people competitively employed increased by 1% from July 2018 to March 2019. The report is also available on MyODP.

ODP Announcement 19-118 announces the release of the proposed Participant-Directed Services: Agency with Choice Financial Management Services Model Bulletin for review and comment. Participant Direction, also known as self-direction, is available to provide participants and surrogates with a high level of choice and control over their services and supports.

One of ODP’s Participant Direction options is Agency with Choice (AWC). In this model, the AWC is a Medical Assistance provider enrolled as a provider of ODP waiver services; the participant acts as a Managing Employer who directs the provision of waiver services provided by Support Service Professionals. The Managing Employer and the AWC enter into a joint-employment arrangement that specifies the roles and responsibilities of both the AWC and the Managing Employer.

There have been significant changes in ODP’s waivers, regulations, and structure in the 11 years since ODP’s expectations for AWC were established. The proposed bulletin updates and modernizes ODP’s expectations for AWC operation to reflect contemporary practices in service delivery.

A comment sheet has been developed to allow commenters to document feedback and suggested revisions to the proposed bulletin.

Comment forms may be sent as an email attachment to ODP’s Participant Direction Administration Unit. If submitting comments by email, please write the following in the subject line: Proposed AWC Bulletin Comments.

Comments may also be sent by traditional mail to:
Participant Direction Administration Unit
Attention: Ms. Pamela Bell
Office of Developmental Programs
Department of Human Services
Room 411, Health and Welfare Building
625 Forster Street
Harrisburg, Pennsylvania 17120

Comments will be accepted until 5:00 pm on October 10, 2019. The bulletin will be modified as appropriate based on the feedback received and published for immediate implementation. Contact RCPA IDD Division Director Carol Ferenz with questions.