Intellectual & Developmental Disabilities

RCPA is collaborating with key state agencies to host a very important webinar on changes impacting providers of child and adolescent autism services as well as HealthChoices managed care organizations. Representatives from the Department of Human Services (DHS) will review Act 62 of 2008, billing guidance for providers, and the revised ICD-10 diagnostic codes and intervention procedure codes related to children and adolescents with autism spectrum disorders. These codes may apply to both commercial health plans and Medical Assistance plans. The webinar will also include updated information and guidance for families. Registration is now open for both sections of the webinar.

The webinar will be held in two sessions on Thursday, August 25, 2016:

  • Session 1, 12:00–1:00 pm: The target audience for this webinar session is BH-MCOs, counties, and county oversight organizations.
  • Session 2, 1:00–2:00 pm: The target audience for this webinar session is behavioral health and pediatric rehabilitation provider organizations.

All participants are welcome to sit in for either or both sessions. Both webinars will be recorded and made available on RCPA and state websites. The DHS Bulletin related to the changes in diagnostic and intervention procedure will be sent to members once it is issued.

ODP Announcement 049-16: QM Certification Fall Registration Now Open and Fall 2016 registration; ODP has been offering training on quality management practices on an ongoing basis since 2003. In order to support moving the system forward in partnership and collaboration, ODP is now offering its staff and stakeholders an opportunity to become ODP QM Certified. In November 2015, ODP announced (Announcement 105-15) the availability of the ODP QM Mailbox. ODP staff and stakeholders were encouraged to send their interest in becoming certified to ODP and begin to complete the prerequisites. Since that time, ODP has heard from over 160 interested parties and the list continues to grow. This announcement includes information about the fall 2016 classes, the registration process, and the deadline for submission of the application, which is August 15, 2016. A registration form is available as well.

ODP Announcement 047-16; Frequently Asked Questions for Targeted Services Management Bulletin Now Posted

On January 20, 2016, ODP issued bulletin 00-16-01 entitled Targeted Services Management for Individuals with an Intellectual Disability. The purpose of the bulletin was to communicate and clarify the requirements for targeted services management that were approved by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services on April 15, 2015.

Since the release of the bulletin, ODP has received many inquiries from stakeholders. To address these inquiries, ODP has developed a document entitled Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) Targeted Services Management Bulletin. Updates will be made to the FAQ document as more questions are received.

The Office of Vocational Rehabilitation (OVR) is conducting a comprehensive statewide needs assessment designed to meet and satisfy the state plan requirements in the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended, and the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act. As part of this assessment, the Institute on Disabilities at Temple University is asking Pennsylvania employers and workforce professionals to complete a brief survey to identify how OVR can better support employers and employees across Pennsylvania.

This project is being conducted in cooperation with the Pennsylvania Rehabilitation Council and with the assistance of the Institute on Disabilities. If you are an employer or a workforce professional you are encouraged to complete this brief survey by Monday, August 1. Once you’ve completed the survey, you can enter in a drawing to win a $20 Target gift card.

The Institute on Disabilities is also seeking employer stakeholders to participate in brief phone interviews and share their expertise with the Institute. Interested employers can email or call 215-204-9544.

The Office of Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services (OMHSAS) has released a draft bulletin and related documents for review and comment. The purpose of the draft bulletin and related forms is to inform behavioral health managed care organizations and providers of the procedures for requesting Applied Behavioral Analysis (ABA) using Behavioral Specialist Consultant-Autism Spectrum Disorder (BSC-ASD) and Therapeutic Staff Support (TSS) services. The draft documents describe the minimum qualifications needed to provide ABA using BSC-ASD and TSS services, and the procedure code and modifier combinations that can be used to bill for services when such services are used by appropriately qualified individuals to provide ABA.

Confirmation of Knowledge and Skills to Provide Applied Behavioral Analysis

Attestation for BHRS Providers That Provide ABA Using BSC-ASD and TSS Services

This draft bulletin is being shared at this time for public comment.  Comments should be sent to OMHSAS by Friday, July 8.

ODP has released the following information:

OPD Bulletin 00-16-05: Regulations – Use of Appropriate Terminology; the purpose of this bulletin is to announce the publication of amended regulations to include appropriate terminology. The rulemaking promotes respect, community integration, and an array of opportunities for an individual with an intellectual disability, by using words that are positive and up-to-date.

ODP Announcement 042-16: Fiscal Year (FY) 2016-2017 Consolidated and Person/Family Directed Support (P/FDS) Waivers Proposed Department Established Fees for Waiver Eligible Services, Residential Ineligible Services and Targeted Services Management (TSM)

New from the LEAD Center
LEADing to Employment Information Brief: Funding for Assistive Technology – Transitioning from Secondary School to VR and Work 

ODP has released the following:

  • Announcement 037-16: Vendor Fiscal/Employer Agent (VF/EA) Financial Management Services (FMS) Wage and Benefit Ranges for Specific Participant Directed Services (PDS) Effective July 1, 2016
  • Announcement 038-16: Agency with Choice Financial Management Services Wage Ranges and Benefit Allowance and Corresponding Department Established Fees for Specific Participant Directed Services Effective July 1, 2016
  • Announcement 039-16: PA Department of Human Services Medication Administration Training Program Critical Date Changes and Program Updates

The Office of Vocational Rehabilitation is seeking public comment on the following two memo revisions:

  1. The OVR Supported Employment Policy is a revision of the current policy titled 03-200.05 Performance Based Job Coaching.
  2. The second memo is also a procedural revision of 96-800.6 On-The-Job Training.

These documents will also be available for viewing on the Publications page on the OVR website. Please review & forward your comments by July 15.

Our colleagues at ASERT share important information and advice each month through their regular newsletter. In their most recent issue, ASERT offers suggestions for families that may be planning trips and vacations for the summer months ahead, noting that Pennsylvania has over 10 amusement parks designed for maximum family fun. Autism service providers and families, as well as those who work with and care for special needs children, know that sometimes these venues can be overwhelming and stressful for all involved. Some of the suggestions provided for families and for adults that are supporting and supervising children are to:

  • Call Ahead: Many parks offer special programs to individuals with special needs and their families.
  • Map it Out: Before arriving, be sure to review a map of the park and note where things like restrooms and quiet areas are so that you can access them easily when needed.
  • Pack Smart: Amusement parks can be loud and chaotic at times. If someone has sensitivities to noises, be sure to pack headphones, ear plugs, or other items to help them manage the environment.
  • Go Early or Late: Some parks offer “preview” packages or discounted admissions for arriving later in the day.

Read the full article on “Amusement Park Tips” as well as other information that supports the work of community providers of autism services and the families of individuals with autism – and consider signing up for regular ASERT updates.