Intellectual & Developmental Disabilities

Pennsylvania is the first state to name April “Autism Acceptance Month.”
As autism awareness continues to grow, Pennsylvania is taking a step forward in the education and inclusion of individuals with autism, as Governor Tom Wolf proclaims April “Autism Acceptance Month.” Pennsylvania is one of the first states in the country to change from “awareness” to “acceptance.” This furthers the work of many families and self-advocates who have expressed the importance of moving from simply raising awareness about autism, to also include, better understand, and accept individuals with autism into full participation in community life.

Data Seminars: Developing, Collecting, and Analyzing
This is a free, statewide training opportunity for professionals who implement autism intervention support plans, collect and develop data tools, analyze data, and make instructional decisions. These seminars will be held across the state at various locations and facilitated by Bureau of Autism Services (BAS) clinical staff. More information and how to register is available on the BAS website.

ABLE Legislation
Senator Lisa Baker’s legislation to establish Achieving a Better Life Experience (ABLE) tax savings accounts for individuals with disabilities in Pennsylvania (SB 879) passed the House Finance Committee on March 16 and will now move to the full House for a vote. The state’s Treasury Department will be responsible to establish these accounts.