Intellectual & Developmental Disabilities

ODP has issued Announcement 19-010 to provide written notification of the requirement to submit qualification documentation for providers who have an MPI number ending in 3, 4, or 5. Providers within this group are due to become requalified in 2019 and must submit documentation no later than 61 days prior to the expiration of provider qualification. Specifically, supporting documentation must be submitted starting February 1, 2019, but no later than March 31, 2019. Documentation must include a completed DP 1059 form, an updated Provider Qualification Documentation Record, and any required supporting documentation.

Providers who fail to submit qualified documentation by April 30, 2019, will participate in transition planning for the participants currently receiving Home and Community-Based Services (HCBS). As a part of the transition, the assigned Administrative Entity (AE) will commence transition of waiver participants according to the process detailed in ODP Communication 011-18. Providers whose qualifications expire June 30 will not be eligible to receive payment for waiver services rendered after June 30, will no longer be qualified to provide HCBS, and will have their name removed from the list of qualified providers of that HCBS.

For inquiries regarding this communication, contact the ODP Provider Qualification mailbox.

ODP Announcement 19-009 (REISSUE) announces a training opportunity open to providers of employment services:

  • ID/A Waiver Providers: Supported Employment, Small Group Employment, and the prevocational component of Community Participation Support.
  • For AAW Providers: Career Planning, Supported Employment, and Transitional Work.

The Arc of Pennsylvania will host a total of five ACRE certification training sessions to be held in the east, central, and west regions of the state. This ACRE certification training is a combination of both in-person and online training.

Please refer to this flyer for details on sessions scheduled for March 4–6 at Harrisburg PaTTAN, 6340 Flank Drive, Harrisburg, PA 17112. Registration is required and is open until February 28, 2019. The project will reimburse attendees up to $25 for travel expenses they incur to attend and participate in the training upon successful completion of the ACRE certification.

Future dates and locations include April 15–17 at PaTTAN Malvern and May 21–23 at Achieva in Pittsburgh. A flyer with registration details and seating capacity for these locations will be sent in the coming weeks. Other locations and dates will be announced once confirmed. Please submit questions via email.

ODP Announcement 19-006 provides an update to ODP’s Medication Administration Manual, Student Course, and Practicum Observer Access is Now Available. This update regards changes to the course schedule. Four training courses scheduled for March have been rescheduled, and some classes scheduled for April and May have been updated. Please check the announcement to see the updated information.

ODP Announcement 19-008 announces the cost-of-living adjustment (COLA) to Social Security Supplemental Security Income (SSI) that will impact the Room and Board payments for individuals living in settings that are waiver funded Residential Habilitation, Life Sharing and Family Living Services. SSI is a Federal program that provides benefits to adults and children who meet the Social Security Administration (SSA) requirements for disability, income, and resources. This income benefit is designed to help qualified individuals meet basic needs for food, clothing, and shelter.

Periodically, a COLA affects the maximum monthly allotment. Effective January 2019, the SSA increased the SSI allotment by 2.8 percent to reflect an increase in the cost of living. This raises the maximum monthly income to $771 for an eligible individual, $1,157 for an eligible individual with an eligible spouse, and $386 for an essential person. There is no anticipated increase in the State Supplementary Payment (SSP) for 2019.

To account for the new COLA, Room and Board contracts should be reviewed to determine appropriate adjustment. For more specific information regarding the Room and Board requirements for waiver funded Residential Habilitation, Life Sharing and Family Living services, please see 55 Pa. Code Sections 51. 121-51.128. Room and Board requirements will also be included in 55 Pa. Code Chapter 6100 and will be effective 120 days after the regulations are published. The Room and Board contract is form DP 1051.

This announcement obsoletes Announcement 002-18, effective January 1, 2019, Supplemental Security Income (SSI) Increase for Calendar Year 2018. For more specific information regarding SSI and the COLA, please review the US Social Security Administration website.

ODP Announcement 19-007 states that the department’s report, Improving the Quality of Residential Services,” is now available. This report shares with stakeholders ODP’s commitment toward improved service quality, as the Department works to maintain the health and well-being of individuals residing in community-based homes. This report includes both planned initiatives and activities already in progress, demonstrating ODP’s continued efforts to improve residential service quality. ODP has worked internally and in partnership with stakeholders to identify gaps in service delivery. Improvement activities are either tied to the four model practices outlined in the Joint Report: Ensuring Beneficiary Health and Safety in Group Homes Through State Implementation of Comprehensive Compliance Oversight (Joint Report) or recommendations from the ODP Residential Strategic Thinking Group (STG).

The Joint Report was published by the US Department of Health and Human Services Office of the Inspector General (OIG), in response to congressional requests concerning abuse and neglect of individuals residing in group homes. The OIG conducted a series of audits based on a review of practices in several states and found that “residents often experienced serious injuries and medical conditions that resulted in emergency room visits.” This publication provides guidance on model practices in four areas: (1) State Incident Management and Investigation, (2) Incident Management Audits, (3) State Mortality Reviews, and (4) State Quality Assurance.

In November 2017, ODP convened the Residential STG to develop recommendations for new or revised policies, guidance for provider practice, methods for incorporating person-centered practices, modifications to ODP licensing practices, and technical assistance and training.

This report focuses on three principles of residential services:

  • It is home, a place where we feel most comfortable, safe, and where we feel we belong;
  • Every individual has the capacity to engage in lifelong learning; and
  • Person-centered practices inform how we support people.

The Residential STG identified six key domains for residential services improvement and recommended change actions for each domain. Please refer to the report for more detailed information about ODP’s plan for continued efforts to improve the quality of residential services. Please submit questions via email.

RCPA partnered with the Pennsylvania Client Assistance Program, PA APSE, and PAR to send a letter to OVR Acting Executive Director Ryan Hyde, Labor and Industry Secretary Jerry Oleksiak, Governor’s Secretary of Legislative Affairs Will Danowski, and Governor’s Secretary of Policy Meg Snead, expressing our serious concern regarding the January 10 memo, as well as actions taken by various OVR district offices, affecting funding of Pre-Employment Transition Services (PETS) in calendar year 2019.

Many providers of PETS services have reported the loss of funding for programs that were in place or about to launch at the beginning of 2019. This action has had a negative impact on a large number of students across the Commonwealth, as well as schools, teachers, families, and providers of services who have invested time and resources.

View a copy of the letter and impact statements. Contact RCPA IDD Division Director Carol Ferenz with questions.

The Department of Human Services (DHS) has published a Q&A Fact Sheet regarding Community HealthChoices (CHC) and ODP Providers. This fact sheet provides basic information such as enrollment in CHC, dates for rollout in various regions in Pennsylvania, services available through CHC, how to become a CHC provider, and transition between CHC and ODP.

What is Community HealthChoices?
Community HealthChoices (CHC) is Pennsylvania’s mandatory managed care program for dually eligible (Medicare and Medicaid) individuals and individuals 21 years of age or older with physical disabilities. The goal of the program is to improve services for hundreds of thousands of Pennsylvania residents.

CHC has been developed to enhance access to and improve coordination of medical care and create a person-centered long-term support system in which people have choice, control, and access to a full array of services that provide independence, health, and quality of life. Long-term services and supports (LTSS) help eligible individuals to perform daily activities in their homes such as bathing, dressing, preparing meals, and administering medications.

Will participants receiving services from ODP be in CHC?
Individuals with an intellectual disability or autism who are receiving services beyond supports coordination through ODP will not be enrolled in CHC. However, if an individual needs the level of care provided in a nursing facility, and they would be better served by the services available in CHC, they may choose to transition from ODP into CHC.

Individuals will be enrolled in CHC if they are age 21 or over and are:

  • Receiving both Medicare and Medicaid;
  • Receiving LTSS in the Attendant Care, Independence, or Aging waivers;
  • Receiving services in the OBRA waiver and determined nursing facility clinically eligible;
  • Receiving care in a nursing home paid for by Medicaid; or
  • Determined to meet nursing facility level of care.

Individuals who already participate in the Living Independence for the Elderly (LIFE) program can remain in their LIFE program and will not be moved into CHC unless they specifically ask to change. Anyone who is enrolled in CHC who would prefer to participate in the LIFE program and qualifies to participate in LIFE may do so.

CHC is now live in the Southeast region. Make sure you and your coworkers have the information you need about CHC. Take our 30-minute online training here.

If you have other questions about CHC, view our comprehensive question and answer document.

If you have any additional questions, please visit the HealthChoices website or submit via email.

Today, RCPA joins with six other associations representing community Intellectual Disability/Autism (ID/A) services providers in releasing a study that provides data about the 2017/18 Fiscal Year Compensation for Direct Support Professional (DSP) and Frontline Supervisor workforce in Pennsylvania.

The study, titled “2018 Pennsylvania Direct Support Professional and Frontline Supervisor Compensation Study,” found that the average DSP hourly wage increased from $11.89 in 2016 to $12.83 in 2018. The wage increase comes as a result of successful advocacy and action by Pennsylvania Government officials in the 2017/18 Fiscal Year when Intellectual Disability/Autism services received the first rate increase in a decade. This investment from the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania resulted in 90% of DSPs receiving a wage increase.

It was not all positive news in the study, as both turnover and the percentage of open positions have increased from 2016 to 2018. Staff turnover rose from 26% to 38.2%. The rate of open positions increased from 11.9% to 20.4%. As such, the study notes that, “while advocacy efforts have been followed by increases in DSP wages, hiring challenges continue to highlight the fact that the wages are too low. We have failed to reach an equilibrium between supply (DSPs) and demand (the need to hire DSPs).”

Dr. Scott Spreat, renowned researcher and the Principal Investigator of the study, said: “the data make it evident that even though wages have gone up, our system continues to be plagued by high workforce turnover rates and vacancy rates. It’s clear that with the current rate structure, Intellectual Disability/Autism services providers can’t compete with other businesses for talented, qualified workers. Workers often leave our field to pursue higher paying jobs elsewhere. The investment in the 2017/18 Fiscal Year is an important step forward. But as the study suggests, one shovel full is not enough to fill the hole.”

The study points out that, unlike other privately-owned businesses, providers of Intellectual Disability/Autism services can’t raise their prices to pay higher wages without additional government funding. Services for individuals with Intellectual Disability and Autism are funded primarily through the rates set by the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. This funding is matched approximately dollar for dollar by Federal Medicaid funds.

Copies of the study are available upon request and can be accessed online here. The study is a collaborative project of RCPA, Moving Agencies Toward Excellence (MAX), PAR, The Alliance CSP, The Arc of Pennsylvania, The Provider Alliance (TPA), and United Cerebral Palsy of Pennsylvania (UCP of PA).

A one-page review of the study is available here for use in advocacy efforts on behalf of DSP salary increases. Contact RCPA IDD Division Director Carol Ferenz with questions.

The Certified Investigator Initial Certification Course was created to ensure all incidents that require an investigation receive a systematic investigation, which meets established standards. In order to perform investigations, the investigator must successfully complete all requirements listed in the course description. ODP Announcement 19-005 announces course openings April to July 2019.

Registration for the Certified Investigator Initial Certification Couse is now open for anyone wishing to become a Certified Investigator through ODP. In order to complete this course and obtain certification, please complete the following process:

  1. Go to this link on MyODP and read the description to ensure comprehension of certification requirements;
  2. Click on “Register for a scheduled CI training session” to enroll;
  3. Complete the 3 online prerequisite modules in preparation for the next step;
  4. Attend 4 days of face-to-face training; and
  5. Complete and successfully pass the online exam.

Current course offerings for the Certified Investigator Initial Certification Couse are available on MyODP.org.

For assistance with registration, please contact ODP Support. For questions regarding the course or its topic, please contact Sarah Naughton.