Intellectual & Developmental Disabilities

ODP Announcement 23-032 announces three half-day virtual training sessions regarding implementation of the Residential Individual Support Plans (ISP) Staffing approach for Administrative Entity (AE) staff. The pre-requisite requirements and training dates are available on MyODP.

The sessions are geared toward AE staff and supervisory staff who routinely review and approve ISPs. The training focuses on AE expectations and ensuring consistent, statewide implementation of the Residential ISP Staffing approach.

Please review the communication for complete information.

Image by StockSnap from Pixabay

ODP Announcement 23-031 announces the release of Resource Accounts now available online. The resource accounts are a listing of email accounts created to contact specific Office of Developmental Programs (ODP) departments by email, which can directly address questions or issues that may arise through the use of various ODP services. Please review the communication for how to access these accounts.

Message from Woody Rosenbach, CEO of COMHAR, Inc.:

Dear Friends of COMHAR:

As we enter our 48th year of service, we continue to be proud of our unwavering commitment to our Mission of “Providing Health and Human Services to Empower Individuals, Families, and Communities to Live Healthier, Self-Determined Lives.” To that end, we oftentimes underplay the impact that we are having on these critical constituencies.

With that in perspective, it gives me great pleasure to announce the relaunch of our website.

The new website more broadly represents COMHAR in regard to our day-to-day operations, our mission, services, and our members!

  • Whether someone is looking for mental health, substance use, or intellectual disabilities services for themself, their family member, or loved one, COMHAR has a program for them.
  • For detailed program information, locations, news from COMHAR, career opportunities, or options to make donations, comhar.org is the place to go!
  • Sign up for our Newsletter, read our Annual Report, read member recovery journeys, contact us, check out community resources, and more!

I’d like to invite you to visit our new website…explore the various pages…and send me a note with your thoughts and impressions.

I look forward to hearing from you.
