Medical Rehab

Today, the Trump Administration released a comprehensive plan that includes proactive measures to remove regulatory barriers and ensure coverage and payment for the administration of an eventual COVID-19 vaccine. To ensure broad access to a vaccine (especially for seniors), the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) released an Interim Final Rule with Comment Period (IFC) that establishes that any vaccine that received Food and Drug Administration (FDA) authorization, will be covered under Medicare as a preventive vaccine at no cost to beneficiaries. The IFC also implements provisions of the CARES Act that ensures immediate coverage of a COVID-19 vaccine by most private health insurance plans without cost sharing from both in and out-of-network providers during the course of the public health emergency (PHE).

CMS also released a set of toolkits for providers, states, and insurers to help the health care system prepare to swiftly administer the vaccine when available. These resources are designed to increase the number of providers that can administer the vaccine and ensure adequate reimbursement for administering the vaccine in Medicare while making private insurers and Medicaid programs aware of their responsibility to cover the vaccine at no charge to beneficiaries.

Additionally, CMS released new Medicare payment rates for COVID-19 vaccine administration. The Medicare payment rates will be $28.39 to administer single-dose vaccines. For a COVID-19 vaccine requiring a series of two or more doses, the initial dose(s) administration payment rate will be $16.94 and $28.39 for the administration of the final dose in the series. These rates will be geographically adjusted and recognize the costs involved in administering the vaccine, including the additional resources involved with required public health reporting, conducting important outreach and patient education, and spending additional time with patients answering any questions they may have about the vaccine. Medicare beneficiaries, those in Original Medicare or enrolled in Medicare Advantage, will be able to get the vaccine at no cost. CMS is encouraging state policymakers and other private insurance agencies to utilize the information on the Medicare reimbursement strategy to develop their vaccine administration payment plan in the Medicaid program, CHIP, the Basic Health Program (BHP), and private plans. Using the Medicare strategy as a model would allow states to match federal efforts in successfully administering the full vaccine to the most vulnerable populations.

The IFC (CMS-9912-IFC) is scheduled to display at the Federal Register as soon as possible with an immediate effective date and a 30-day comment period.

Additional information on this IFC can be found in the fact sheet.

The COVID-19 vaccine resources for providers, health plans, and State Medicaid programs can be found here.

The FAQs on billing for therapeutics can be found here.

Harrisburg, PA – Pennsylvanians are encouraged to ask their job search and unemployment compensation (UC) questions during the Pennsylvania Department of Labor & Industry’s (L&I) twenty-third virtual town hall, which will be held from 1:00 pm to 2:00 pm today, Thursday, October 29.

How to Participate in the Town Hall

A livestream will be online at the Pennsylvania Department of Labor & Industry website. Those without Internet access can listen by calling 833-380-0719; however, phone lines are limited, so we ask that they be reserved for individuals who need them.

Participants using the phone lines can ask questions directly of our UC expert. Individuals livestreaming the town hall can submit typed questions that will be read to the UC expert by a moderator. To protect participants’ personal confidential information, detailed answers about individual claim questions cannot be answered during the town hall.

Reminder to Guard Personal Information

L&I recently became aware of fraudsters who are posing as L&I employees during calls to Pennsylvanians. These fraudsters will ask for personal and confidential information such as usernames, passwords, and social security numbers, under the guise of helping with issues related to unemployment compensation. Pennsylvanians are reminded that L&I employees will never call and ask for your username, password, or full social security number.

Scammers have also been posing as L&I and US Department of Labor (DOL) officials in emails and social media messages in attempts to obtain individuals’ personal and confidential information. L&I does not offer assistance over social media due to the inability to guarantee confidentiality and security; as a result, any messages received from “L&I” over social media are likely fraudulent and should be ignored.

Emails appearing to come from L&I or the US DOL may be spoofed by fraudsters. Individuals should never click a link in an email and provide their username and password. The safest way to log into an account is to type the URL of the website into the browser window.

For more information on identifying fraud, what to do if you believe you have been a victim of fraud, or how to report fraud, visit L&I’s website.


We’re excited to announce that RCPA’s Direct Care Works initiative is now live. The workforce development pilot project is using social media platforms to engage potential applicants likely to be attracted to careers in health and human services.

We established a presence on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and YouTube (Look for LinkedIn soon!). As part of the pilot project, paid advertising will drive individuals to the Direct Care Works website, where they can learn more about the field and access job opportunities.

The initial paid campaign is focused on Allegheny County and some of the surrounding areas, yet we welcome members from throughout the Commonwealth to share information about employment opportunities for the job portal, as we will be sharing information on several social media channels that reach a statewide audience.

To include your organization in the DCW Job Portal, email directcareworks@paproviders.org with the following information:

  • Organization’s name and one line program description (approximately 15 words – see job portal for examples)
  • List of regions where your programs are operated (i.e., Central, Northeast, Northwest, Southeast, Southwest)
  • Contact person
  • Website link where potential candidates can view organization information and employment openings

RCPA recently issued a release that details the project. Additionally, a social media toolkit has been developed, for our members to use the collateral materials as a way to enhance recruitment efforts and share the Direct Care Works networks with your own audiences.

For more information, please contact RCPA Children’s Division Director Jim Sharp or email directcareworks@paproviders.org

a memo is on the keyboard of a computer as a reminder: meeting

The Managed Long-Term Services and Supports (MLTSS) Subcommittee meeting agenda for the November 4, 2020 meeting has been released. The meeting is scheduled for 10:00 am – 1:00 pm and will be held via webcast. The information to participate is available below:

Webinar Link: https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/9164975178583542541
Public Call in # and Pin: 1-415-655-0060 Pin: 753-009-978
Remote Streaming Link: https://2020archive.1capapp.com/event/mltss

In a letter to President Donald Trump, Governor Wolf outlined the urgency for the President to  immediately restart negotiations with Congress around a new stimulus package that would help fund the 300 Regional Response Healthcare Collaborative Program (RRHCP), and hundreds of members of the PA National Guard who are assisting in long-term care homes. The grant funding for these programs are set to end December 31, 2020. The need comes at a critical junction when PA is dealing with both the effects of this pandemic on its citizens and getting communities back on their feet.

The RRHCP program has been incredibly effective at helping Pennsylvania mitigate the spread of COVID-19, and respond quickly and appropriately when case outbreaks have occurred in long-term care facilities.

RCPA stands in full support of Governor Wolf’s letter and efforts to stabilize funding for these and all programs that serve Pennsylvanians, including the most vulnerable citizens that we directly serve.

As part of DHS Secretary Teresa Miller’s update, please see this latest message regarding DHS’ actions in response to the COVID-19 crisis. This contains the information shared by Secretary Miller during the stakeholder call on Wednesday, October 21, 2020. The document highlights responses to ongoing questions and answers asked during the webinars and includes updated information on funding, regulatory waivers, reopening guidance, and other resources. If you have any questions, please contact your RCPA Policy Director.