The Technology Accelerator Project is looking for providers to partner in developing a new Change Readiness Tool. Shea Tanis will be coordinating several provider readiness focus groups, which will lead to the development of a Change Readiness Tool to support the successful adoption of remote support/monitoring and assistive technology solutions for providers statewide.
The project is looking for providers across Pennsylvania to join them for a 90-minute virtual session to discuss promising practices, human and fiscal resources, existing policies, implementation barriers, and agency needs to adapt and employ remote supports/monitoring and assistive technologies.
View the flyer for additional information and how to get involved with this project. Contact Carol Ferenz with any questions.
The Office of Developmental Programs (ODP) has shared ODPANN 24-080. This communication announces that Temple University Harrisburg’s Certified Investigator (CI) Program and ODP will be facilitating forums for certified investigators and others involved in the incident investigation process. It also announces the posting of Q&A documents from past CI Forums on MyODP. Please view the announcement for registration information and details.
The Pennsylvania Department of Drug and Alcohol Programs (DDAP) will kick off Recovery Month on Thursday, September 12, at Soldiers and Sailors Grove in the Capitol Complex in Harrisburg with “Share the Hope: A Recovery Story.” The event will include wellness activities and demonstrations, speakers, food trucks, mobile clinic tours, and more.
In addition to the kick-off event, DDAP will host several other Recovery Month events.
September is National Recovery Month, a national observance held every year. The goal of Recovery Month, according to DDAP, is to come together, celebrate individuals in recovery, and offer hope to those who are struggling with a substance use disorder. It reinforces the positive message that behavioral health is essential to overall health, prevention works, treatment is effective, and people can and do recover from the disease of addiction.
You can send Recovery Month-related questions electronically.
Please share these important workshops and Good Life Groups with your network! Register for upcoming events at the PA Family Network website.
Support Groups
LifeCourse Workshops
Waiver Workshops
Supported by the Pennsylvania Department of Health through Centers for Disease Control and Prevention funding, the Pennsylvania Statewide Tobacco-Free Recovery Initiative (PA STFRI) facilitates partnerships among academia, state agencies, county public health departments, treatment providers, and recovery advocates to advance recovery-oriented evidence-based tobacco use disorder interventions in behavioral health services.
In 2021 Public Health Management Corporation’s Research & Evaluation Group conducted a readiness assessment to identify the status of tobacco interventions within behavioral health. The survey is being repeated this year, and respondents are being sought for the 2024 Behavioral Health Readiness Assessment. The survey will take less than 15 minutes to complete and closes August 31, 2024. Respondents are not asked their name, and responses are not linked to the respondent.
The Office of Developmental Programs (ODP) has shared ODPANN 24-079, which states that registration is now open for newly added 2024 virtual classes. The classes will be held on:
View the announcement for registration details.