Policy Areas

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The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) published a correction notice in the August 25, 2015 Federal Register. This notice corrects technical and typographical errors that appeared in the Comprehensive Care for Joint Replacement Payment Model proposed rule that was published on July 14, 2015. The comment due date for the provisions contained in the proposed rule will remain at September 8, 2015.

RCPA received notice today from the Department of Drug and Alcohol Programs (DDAP) that the decision has been made to discontinue the STAR data system. The discontinuation will occur in mid-September. More information regarding next steps will be provided soon.

Below is the information sent out by DDAP this afternoon:

“The Department of Drug and Alcohol Programs will discontinue utilization of STAR as the database to gather and report TEDS data to SAMHSA in September 2015.

We are planning to shut down STAR at 11:59 pm on September 15, 2015. You will have until then to enter and update information as follows:


  • All admissions that occur through August 31, 2015 must be entered into STAR by September 10, 2015.
    • Providers should continue to enter into STAR any related documents for these admissions, such as screens, PCPC/ASAM, etc.
  • Admissions that take place on or after September 1, 2015 should not be entered into STAR. We will provide additional details in the coming weeks of how and when to report admission information to us.


  • All discharges associated with August 31, 2015 and earlier admissions should be entered into STAR if the discharge happens by September 10, 2015.
  • All other discharges should be held until further information is provided.

If you have any questions, please contact the STAR Helpdesk at 717-783-8200.”

ODP Updates

The Office of Developmental Disabilities has released the following information:

  • Announcement #067-15: Save the Date: ODP Year 8 Cost Report Training Date for Waiver Residential Service Provider Staff; Monday, September 21 at 1:00 pm. Watch for more details.
  • Announcement #068-15: ODP’s Quality Management Certification Program: Leadership Resources Available: QM Module 104, Part 2: Virtual QI Teams.
  • Announcement #069-15:

The Department of Human Services Office of Long-Term Living (OLTL) is establishing a Managed Long-Term Services and Supports (MLTSS) Subcommittee of the Medical Assistance Advisory Committee (MAAC). The kickoff meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, September 1, from 10:00 am to 1:00 pm at Temple University in Strawberry Square, Harrisburg, PA.

The second meeting of the MLTSS Subcommittee will be held on Monday, September 14, from 10:00 am to 1:00 pm in the PA Department of Education Honors Suite, 333 Market Street, 1st floor, Harrisburg, PA. Future meetings will be posted on the OLTL website as dates are confirmed.

The membership of the subcommittee will be announced in the coming weeks. A majority of subcommittee members will be users of long-term living services and supports, and family caregivers. The subcommittee will advise the department on the design and implementation of MLTSS in Pennsylvania. A number of RCPA members submitted nominations to be considered for the subcommittee.

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On August 12, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) announced they were extending the deadline for the submission of data associated with the inpatient rehabilitation facility (IRF) quality reporting program (QRP) for measures reported to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) National Healthcare Safety Network (NHSN).


This extension is being granted to provide IRFs additional time to submit data. Although the NHSN system is working, intermittent production problems have been experienced. The CDC has been working to resolve these issues and they are expected to be corrected soon.


The deadline for the Healthcare-associated Infection (HAI) data submission has been extended from August 15 to August 28 at 11:59 pm PT. Please Note: This extension only applies to the HAI data submission deadline. Data are submitted through the NHSN online.

The Departments of Human Services (DHS) and Aging have announced they will present their next third Thursday webinar associated with Managed Long-Term Services and Supports. The next webinar, Managed Care 101, is scheduled for Thursday, August 20, at 1:30 pm.

Included will be details on Medicare and Medicaid coordination, role of the MIPPA agreements, provider and service coordination, participant impacts, and other state’s experiences. During the webinar, participants will have the opportunity to submit questions using the chat feature provided.

To participate:

  1. Please join my Webinar.
  2. You will be connected to audio using your computer’s microphone and speakers (VoIP).  A headset is recommended.

Or, you may select “Use Telephone” after joining the Webinar.

Dial +1 (702) 489-0003
Access Code: 428-878-113
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Webinar ID: 155-011-011