Physical Disabilities & Aging

Secretary Val Arkoosh and leadership from the Department of Human Services (DHS) will host a webinar to discuss the proposed 2024/25 budget for the department. The briefing will take place at 10:00 am on Friday, February 9. If you are unable to attend, the briefing will be recorded and available for viewing afterwards.

Visit here to register for the briefing. DHS encourages individuals to submit questions ahead of the briefing so they can prepare as much information as possible. The Departments will follow up on any questions that they are unable to answer during the webinar.

(If the registration link above does not work, please try copying this link directly into your browser: https://events.gcc.teams.microsoft.com/event/3049c317-17f6-46ab-8396-1e5f3a370422@418e2841-0128-4dd5-9b6c-47fc5a9a1bde)

RCPA is continuing to accept proposals for our 2024 Conference Embracing Challenges, Empowering Success, which will be held September 24 – 27 at the Hershey Lodge for a statewide audience. Our Conference Committee seeks workshop proposals in every area for possible inclusion, particularly those that assist providers in developing and maintaining high-quality, stable, and effective treatments, services, and agencies in an industry where change is constant. The committee looks for presentations that:

  • Highlight new policy, research, and treatment initiatives, such as the use of artificial intelligence, telehealth innovations, and employing people with disabilities;
  • Provide specific skills and information related to individual and organizational leadership development and enhancement;
  • Discuss advanced ethics practices and suicide prevention;
  • Address system changes that affect business practices, including integrated care strategies, value-based purchasing, performance-based contracting, acquisitions and mergers, and alternative payment models;
  • Provide guidance on building a culture of a committed workforce, including recruitment and employee development as well as effective remote workforce strategies;
  • Offer concrete skills and tools to operate more efficient, effective businesses; and
  • Inspire ideas for organizations to be leaders in their field.

The committee welcomes any proposal that addresses these and other topics essential to rehabilitation, mental health, substance use disorder, children’s health, aging, physical disabilities, and intellectual/developmental disabilities & autism. Members are encouraged to consider submitting, and we highly encourage you to forward this opportunity to those who are exceptionally good speakers and have state-of-the-art information to share. Individuals are welcome to submit multiple proposals.

The Call for Proposals (featuring a complete listing of focus tracks) and accompanying Guidelines for Developing Educational Objectives detail requirements for submissions. The deadline for submissions is Monday, March 11, 2024, at 5:00 pm. Proposals must be submitted electronically on the form provided; confirmation of receipt will be sent. Proposals submitted after the deadline will not be considered.

If the proposal is accepted, individuals must be prepared to present on any day of the conference. Workshops are 90 or 180 minutes in length. At the time of acceptance, presenters will be required to confirm the ability to submit workshop handouts electronically four weeks prior to the conference. Individuals unable to meet this expectation should not submit proposals for consideration.

Notification of inclusion for the conference will be made via email by Friday, May 17, 2024. Questions may be directed to Carol Ferenz, Conference Coordinator.

On January 26, 2024, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) forwarded the final Medicaid Access Rule (CMS-2442-F) to the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) for the last review step before Federal Register publication.

The proposed Medicaid Access Rule contained a number of policies, including the much-discussed 80/20 provision that would require 80 percent of all Medicaid payments to be spent on direct care workers and direct service professionals compensation for personal care services.

RCPA commented on these proposed regulations and will continue to monitor progress with our federal partners. The OMB is expected to issue its comments in April. If you have questions, please contact RCPA Policy Director Fady Sahhar.

The Department of Human Services is seeking to procure the services of Managed Care Organizations (MCO) to operate the Community HealthChoices (CHC) Program in the five CHC zones which cover all 67 counties of the Commonwealth.

This procurement launches the process to select MCO, starting January 1, 2025. Key dates are:

Visit PA eMarketplace for more information and to apply. Questions may be directed to Fady Sahhar.

This Request for Proposals (RFP) requires performance analysis activities to administer the requirements of the CMS 1915(b)(4) waiver for licensed residential habilitation, unlicensed residential habilitation, supported living, and life-sharing services, as well as for supports coordination services currently offered in all ODP 1915(c) waiver programs.

Tasks to support administering the requirements of the 1915(b)(4) waiver include but are not limited to: data collection, analysis and reporting, Provider Contract Management, managing a public facing website, and providing and maintaining an information support system.

All offerors are required to create a user profile within the DHS JAGGAER portal. Please visit here to access the portal.

Proposals are due Tuesday, March 5, 2024, by 12:00 pm. Visit PA eMarketplace for more information and to apply.

RCPA is delighted to share our 2023 Year in Review! We’re confident that this review will provide you with valuable insights, and inspire you as we highlight some of our significant achievements. This past year, we have embarked on groundbreaking initiatives and celebrated remarkable successes, all thanks to our collective efforts. As we step into 2024, we remain optimistic about reaching new heights together, and hope this review fuels your enthusiasm for what we can all accomplish in the coming year.