Physical Disabilities & Aging

Photo by Markus Winkler on Unsplash

The Office of Long-Term Living (OLTL) announced that the department will be releasing the CHC and OBRA Waivers Amendments, as well as the proposed Rate Refresh Study details, in early June. In light of this information, the PD&A meeting currently scheduled for May 29 will be rescheduled. A new date and time will be sent to members as soon as the dates of these releases are available.

If you have any questions, please contact Fady Sahhar.

The US Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) has updated the regulations that prohibit discrimination based on disabilities to clarify obligations in several critical areas. Specifically, the rule:

  • Ensures that medical treatment decisions are not based on negative biases or stereotypes about individuals with disabilities, judgments that an individual with a disability will be a burden on others, or dehumanizing beliefs that the life of an individual with a disability has less value than the life of a person without a disability.
  • Prohibits the use of any measure, assessment, or tool that discounts the value of a life extension on the basis of disability to deny, limit, or otherwise condition access to an aid, benefit or service.
  • Defines what accessibility means for websites and mobile applications and sets forth a specific technical standard to ensure that health care and human service activities delivered through these platforms are readily accessible to and usable by individuals with disabilities.
  • Adopts the U.S. Access Board’s standards for accessible medical diagnostic equipment, like exam tables and mammography machines.
  • Details requirements to ensure nondiscrimination in the services provided by HHS funded child welfare agencies, including, but not limited to, reasonable efforts to prevent foster care placement, parent-child visitation, reunification services, child placement, parenting skills programs, and in- and out-of-home services.
  • Clarifies obligations to provide services in the most integrated setting, like receiving services in one’s own home, appropriate to the needs of individuals with disabilities.

Additionally, the Final Rule updates existing requirements to make them consistent with the American with Disabilities Act (ADA), as many HHS recipients are also covered by the ADA. This consistency will improve and simplify compliance.

View the full press release here. If you have any questions, please contact Fady Sahhar.


The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) has announced the next Medicare Updates and Education webinar. The webinar, “Medicare & Other Programs for People With Disabilities,” is scheduled for May 9, 2024, from 1:00 pm – 2:30 pm and will include information about:

  • What’s Happening in Medicare – May 2024;
  • NTP Announcements and Resources;
  • Women’s Health Week (May 12 — May 18);
  • National Osteoporosis Prevention Month;
  • World No Tobacco Day (May 31);
  • Older Americans Month;
  • Arthritis Awareness Month;
  • Mental Health Awareness Month; and
  • Coverage to Care.

To participate, please register here.

RCPA is excited to announce our Annual Conference Embracing Challenges, Empowering Success, which will be held September 24 – 27, 2024, at the Hershey Lodge. Save the dates for this action-packed event, which promises to showcase key speakers discussing the latest in health and human services across all divisions. Registration details and more will become available in the coming months, and you can stay up-to-date with developments at the RCPA conference website.

Our conference will host lively networking events, and our Connections Hall will feature businesses and organizations that can serve your agency’s needs, be it in renovations, EHR management, or patient care.

If your organization is interested in sponsoring or exhibiting, you can complete our Sponsors, Exhibitors, and Advertisers Brochure or contact Carol Ferenz, Conference Coordinator. Spaces are filling up, so don’t delay!

We look forward to sharing more details in the near future and would like to extend a thank you to those organizations who have already pledged support for the conference! View our current sponsors and exhibitors on the RCPA Conference website!

The Department of Human Services (DHS) has released the report Recommendations for Improving Self-Direction in Community HealthChoices. The purpose of this report is to provide Community HealthChoices (CHC) stakeholders with identified barriers and recommendations to improve and increase the use of self-direction in CHC. View the report here.