Continuation of Exceptional Rates Notice for Residential Providers Serving Individuals With ODP

Continuation of Exceptional Rates Notice for Residential Providers Serving Individuals With ODP

From the Office of Developmental Programs:

The Office of Developmental Programs (ODP) will be renewing all existing exceptional residential rates for individuals who have a current NEA, approved through 12/31/22, for the second half of the fiscal year. Providers should ensure that all individuals with exceptional rates have a current Health Risk Screening Tool (HRST).

This extension will require a critical revision to the individual’s ISP. The rate segment has been entered into PROMISe and is available for use. Please work with Supports Coordinators and Administrative Entities to ensure the ISP is updated and approved.

Thank you,

Rick Smith  l  Director
PA Department of Human Services, Office of Developmental Programs
Bureau of Financial Management and Program Support
625 Forster Street Room 412, Harrisburg, PA 17120