DDAP Announces Webinar Opportunities

DDAP Announces Webinar Opportunities

Department of Drug and Alcohol Programs (DDAP) Training: Brain Injury and Opioid Misuse

This training course is designed to assist substance use treatment providers in better understanding the interaction between opioid misuse and brain injury, how associated cognitive impairments impact response to treatment, how to most effectively work with people with brain injuries, and how to adapt treatment for maximum success. The eight-hour virtual course is divided into two parts in DDAP’s Training Management System. Learn more in this flyer.

Life Unites Us: Pandemic Paradigms | Providing Services through the Holiday Season

December 15, 2020 at 12:00 PM

In this webinar, participants will:

  • Hear how recovery-focused community-based organizations are dealing with the unique challenges from COVID-19 during the holiday season
  • Learn new strategies and get inspiration to tackle these challenges
  • Hear from a panel of experts and peer organizations as they share additional challenges and solutions for a path forward

Learn more in this flyer and register here.



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