ISP for Residential Services Review of Staffing Ratio Guidance and Upcoming Training

ISP for Residential Services Review of Staffing Ratio Guidance and Upcoming Training

ODP Announcement 21-057 “Individual Support Planning for Residential Services Review of Staffing Ratio Guidance and Upcoming Training” has been released to achieve the following:

  • Sustain the expectation that Administrative Entities (AEs), Supports Coordination Organizations (SCOs), and providers of waiver residential services use the guidance provided in ODP Announcement 19-091 and the Annotated Individual Support Plan (ISP), dated 07-03-19, to document the staffing support that is needed and will be provided to replace residential habilitation service staffing ratios; and
  • Announce that additional training will be provided in the future to:
    • Standardize how risk factors and identified health and safety needs should be addressed using person-centered thinking skills;
    • Clarify documentation of supports and services in the ISP; and
    • Ensure there is a description of strategies (ex. technology, environmental, and staff supports) to mitigate risk(s) during specific activities and situations.



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