IRF PAI Training Manual Updated in Preparation for October

IRF PAI Training Manual Updated in Preparation for October

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The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) has released an updated inpatient rehabilitation facility patient assessment instrument (IRF PAI) training manual that includes updated information on new items that become effective for IRF discharges occurring on or after October 1. These new items, including the arthritis attestation item and therapy information, were finalized in the IRF prospective payment system fiscal year 2015 final rule. The Updated IRF PAI Training Manual, Helpful Resources Document and Section 2 (Item by Item Coding Instructions) are located in the “Downloads” section of the IRF PAI web page. CMS has also made available a YouTube video slideshow from the January 2015 national provider call that focused on training providers how to code and complete these new items on the IRF PAI.


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