PA Health Access Network (PHAN) Webinar Series

PA Health Access Network (PHAN) Webinar Series

PHAN has announced an upcoming series of webinars for health-care providers on accessible health-care for people with disabilities. While the webinars will focus on information for health-care providers, the information will also be valuable for people with disabilities and those who support them. All are welcome to attend.

This series is part of the Rural Healthcare Access Project, an initiative funded by the PA Developmental Disabilities Council to improve health-care access for people with disabilities in rural Pennsylvania.

Session 1: Core Competencies on Disability Part 1 – Thursday, January 14, 2021 at 1:00 pm

This session will be a presentation of Disability Core Competencies by Dr. Susan Havercamp, Professor of Psychiatry and Behavioral Health at the Ohio State University Nisonger Center.

The Core Competencies are skills and attributes that enable health-care professionals to provide quality care to consumers with disabilities. They were developed by the Alliance for Disability in Health Care Education in partnership with the Ohio Disability and Health Program at the Ohio State University Nisonger Center by using a consensus process, which included people with disabilities, disability experts, health educators, and health-care providers.

Zoom Link

To join by phone, call (646)-876-9923 and enter meeting ID 850 2318 3980.

Session 2: Core Competencies Part 2 and Stakeholder Panel – Thursday, January 28, 2021 at 1:00 pm

This session will include a recap of the Core Competencies. People with disabilities and other community leaders from the Rural Healthcare Access Project will also discuss their care experiences and answer questions.

Zoom Link

To join by phone, call (646)-876-9923 and enter meeting ID 881 9628 8579.

Session 3: Provider Panel – Tuesday, February 9, 2021 at 1:00 pm

In this session, we will hear from a panel of health-care providers about their experiences treating people with disabilities, challenges, best practices, and how providers can help improve access to care.

Zoom Link

To join by phone, call (646)-876-9923 and enter meeting ID 821 1634 1873.

*Register for sessions here.*

Thank you for your interest and involvement.

Casey Pegg, PHAN Community Organizer





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