PA Senate Leadership Chosen for 2019–20 Session

PA Senate Leadership Chosen for 2019–20 Session

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On Wednesday, members of the Senate Republican and Democratic caucuses chose their respective leadership teams for the upcoming 2019-20 Legislative Session. When the Senate re-convenes in January, the Senate Republicans will hold a 29-21 majority, with the possibility of that number going to 28-22 on the outcome of a “too close to call” election in Bucks County.

The Senate leadership elections did not provide any changes to either caucus’ leadership team for the 2019-20 Session. The Senate Republican Caucus will consist of the same leadership team of:

Senate Pro-Tempore – Joe Scarnati (Jefferson). Sen. Scarnati was chosen by the full Senate to be the nominee for Senate President Pro Tempore. His nomination will be voted by the full Senate when the chamber convenes on swearing-in day, which will be Jan. 1, 2019.

  • Senate Majority Leader – Jake Corman (Centre)
  • Senate Majority Whip – John Gordner (Columbia)
  • Senate Majority Appropriations Committee Chair – Pat Browne (Lehigh)
  • Senate Majority Appropriations Committee Vice-Chair – Kim Ward (Westmoreland)
  • Senate Majority Caucus Chair – Bob Mensch (Montgomery)
  • Senate Majority Caucus Secretary – Rich Alloway (Franklin)

Two positions are still vacant — those positions of Senate Majority Caucus Administrator and Senate Majority Policy Committee Chair will be appointed by Senator Joe Scarnati once he is officially elected Senate Pro-Tempore.

The Senate Democrat Caucus leadership team did not have any changes. The Senate Democrat Caucus leadership team is as follows:

  • Senate Minority Leader – Jay Costa (Allegheny)
  • Senate Minority Whip – Anthony Williams (Philadelphia)
  • Senate Minority Appropriations Committee Chair – Vincent Hughes (Philadelphia)
  • Senate Minority Appropriations Committee Vice-Chair – Judy Schwank (Berks)
  • Senate Minority Caucus Chair – Wayne Fontana (Allegheny)
  • Senate Minority Caucus Secretary – Larry Farnese (Philadelphia)
  • Senate Minority Policy Committee Chair – Lisa Boscola (Northampton)
  • Senate Minority Caucus Administrator – John Blake (Lackawanna)

Questions, contact RCPA Director of Government Affairs Jack Phillips.


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