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Photo by Christina @ wocintechchat.com on Unsplash

The Office of Developmental Programs (ODP) has shared an update to ODPANN 25-017. There has been a change in the platform being used to host the listening sessions, and the previous links are obsolete. If you are currently registered, ODP will register you in the new platform, and you will receive a new link to attend via email. If you have not yet registered, please use the updated links below to register.

Please view the announcement for additional information and details.

The Office of Developmental Programs (ODP) has shared ODPANN 25-017. This communication announces that ODP will be holding two webinars to give all stakeholders and interested persons the opportunity to voice ideas for updating and improving the Adult Autism Waiver (AAW). ODP will take this opportunity to listen to stakeholders and use this input for the AAW 2026 renewal process, effective July 1, 2026.

Please review the announcement for additional information and details.

Photo by Christina @ wocintechchat.com on Unsplash

Adult Autism Waiver (AAW) providers are invited to participate in the AAW Provider Quarterly Incident and Risk Management meetings.

The meetings will be held for all Office of Developmental Programs (ODP) providers and Support Coordinators (SC) providing Adult Autism Waiver (AAW) services. Pam Treadway and Heather Easley will facilitate these meetings with the intent to provide updates on incident and risk management related activities, share AAW data, inform providers of any upcoming changes, review ODP expectations, etc. Providers will be able to network with one another and ask questions directly to the Bureau of Supports for Autism and Special Populations (BSASP).

The upcoming meeting will include a discussion on risk mitigation activities. Behavior Support Services can be an effective means for mitigating risks. For that reason, we strongly encourage Behavior Specialists to participate in the meeting.

January 30, 2025
10:00 am – 11:30 am
Register Here

Multiple staff from a provider may attend but should register separately. Be sure to complete all required information to confirm attendance. A link to the meeting will be send prior to the scheduled meeting date.

Please contact the Provider Support inbox with questions.

The Office of Developmental Programs (ODP) has updated the AAW Provider Information Table to reflect the following updates:

  • The addition of the American Sign Language (ASL)-English Interpreter Service. This new service has been added to ensure effective communication for those participants that utilize ASL.
  • Residential Habilitation Provider Qualifications have been updated to reflect additions designed to ensure all residential providers are financially prepared, new providers have prior experience before delivering residential services, and services will continue without interruption when organizational changes occur at the executive level.
  • Assistive Technology devices that cost less than $750 do not require an independent evaluation by a professional certified by SHIFT, an online education and accreditation platform, but may be completed if the service plan team believes it to be beneficial.
  • Transportation service limit has been increased to $10,000 per participant’s service plan year, which includes both Transportation-Trip and Transportation-Public.
  • The Transportation service section has also been updated to include guidance previously released in ODP Announcement 24-005: Adding the Transportation Service to an Individual Support Plan (ISP) in the Adult Autism Waiver (AAW). The information also includes a change to how Transportation-Public is added to the ISP.
  • The Community Transition service has been updated to allow for non-recurring set-up expenses for individuals who are transitioning from another provider-operated living arrangement to a living arrangement in a private residence where the person is directly responsible for their living expenses.
  • The Career Planning and Supported Employment services sections have been updated to include information previously released in ODP Announcement 20-004: Clarifications and Training Requirements for Adult Autism Waiver (AAW) Employment Services.
  • Other updates and changes to AAW services due to the January 1, 2025, Waiver Amendment.

Please view the announcement and table for additional information and details. New services, updated language, and changes to services are highlighted in gray in the table.

The Office of Developmental Programs (ODP) has shared ODPANN 24-128, which serves as a guide for American Sign Language (ASL) — English Interpreter services available starting January 1, 2025.

The American Sign Language (ASL) — English Interpreter Service is for individuals in an ODP waiver who utilize ASL. Interpreting is the process of conveying English in grammatically correct American Sign Language and the process of conveying American Sign Language in English.

This service is available to individuals in the:

  • Consolidated Waiver;
  • Person/Family Directed Support (P/FDS) Waiver;
  • Community Living Waiver; and
  • Adult Autism Waiver.

This guide provides information on the service and its requirements. It can be found under the Deaf, Hard of Hearing, DeafBlind section on MyODP.

Questions can be sent to the ODP Deaf Services inbox.

The Department of Human Services is holding a live, virtual Zoom training to provide Support Coordinator (SC) Supervisors and Support Coordinator Organization (SCO) Trainers the opportunity to apply learning from the Supports Coordinator Monitoring Residential Services training to support their SCs to effectively monitor Residential Services. Each session will include small and large group discussions of two scenarios an intellectual disability and autism (ID/A) or adult autism waiver (AAW) SC might encounter during a residential monitoring. SC Supervisors and Trainers can use these scenarios and discussions as a model for similar discussions with their SCs to improve the thoroughness, thoughtfulness, and quality of residential monitoring.

Session recordings (6 scenarios) will be made available on MyODP and announced through ODP Communications. The recordings can be viewed by SCs and used by SC Supervisors/Trainers to support additional SC staff development.

Audience: ID/A and AAW Supports Coordinators, SC Supervisors, and Support Coordination Organization administration

Please register here.

Three sessions are being offered, with each session exploring different scenarios. You are invited to register and attend one or more of the sessions.

  • Monday, February 3, 2025, 2:00 pm – 3:00 pm
  • Wednesday, February 5, 2025, 2:00 pm – 3:00 pm
  • Friday, February 7, 2025, 11:00 am – 12:00 pm

Prior to the sessions, completion of the Supports Coordinator Monitoring Residential Services training is required.

Note: If you are experiencing issues accessing the link, try right clicking the link, selecting “Copy Link,” and pasting the link into your browser. If the problem persists, try a different browser.

The Office of Developmental Programs (ODP) has shared ODPANN 24-111. The Adult Autism Waiver (AAW) provider table has been updated to reflect new procedure codes for Specialized Skill Development: Behavioral Specialist services, effective November 1, 2024, and to correct errors found in the October 1, 2024, release. Previous ODP Announcement 24-095 is now obsolete.

Please view the announcement for information and details.

Today the Department of Human Services (Department) published final notice of Fee Schedule Rates for services funded through the Consolidated, Community Living, Person/Family Directed Support (P/FDS), and Adult Autism Waivers and the Department-established fees for base-funded services as a correction to the rates previously published August 1, 2024.

Due to a calculation error, the Department has made corrections to the Fee Schedule Rates for the following services funded through the Consolidated, Community Living, and P/FDS Waivers and base-funding:

  • Community Participation Support, effective July 1, 2024; and
  • Life Sharing Without Day 1-person needs group 3 and 4, effective October 1, 2024.

Additionally, due to a mistake in aligning the procedure code with the correct Statewide fee, the Department is republishing the Fee Schedule Rates for the following services funded through the Adult Autism Waiver effective July 1, 2024:

  • Residential Habilitation
  • Specialized Skill Development
  • Supported Employment
  • Career Planning
  • Therapies
  • Day Unit Respite
  • 15-Minute Unit Respite
  • Supports Coordination
  • Transportation — Trip

This publication presents an opportunity for providers to appeal these specific rates. The deadline for filing an appeal for these rates is December 2, 2024.

For further information, view ODPANN 24-107 or contact Carol Ferenz, IDD Division Director.