Message from ANCOR:
ANCOR shares their new Medicaid Resource Center for targeted resources to aid in your education and advocacy efforts! Let’s work together to protect Medicaid funding from potential cuts!
The Medicaid Resource Center is a central location where you can find the most up-to-date information and resources. Included in the Medicaid Resource Center is a video Intro to I/DD Services, ANCOR’S most recent fact sheet Cuts to Medicaid Harm Disability Services, as well as highlighted reports and white papers on Medicaid trends and impacts of community-based services. In addition to the Advocacy Toolkit and the ANCOR Amplifier, please use these targeted resources available in the new Medicaid Resource Center to aid in your advocacy.
As a reminder, you can also still take our action alert urging your Senators and Representatives to reject any proposals that reduce federal Medicaid funding! Thank you and please do not hesitate to reach out if they can help in your outreach!
Lydia Dawson, JD
ANCOR | Vice President of Government Relations