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Agency with Choice Financial Management Services Organization Listing

ODP Announcement 20-079 provides a list of current Agency with Choice Financial Management Services (AWC FMS) organizations that are available to support participants and surrogates who have chosen to self- direct some or all of their Participant Directed Services (PDS) using the AWC FMS model and are enrolled in the Consolidated, Community Living, or Person/Family Directed Support (P/FDS) waivers.

Note: These AWC FMS organizations are not to be confused with the statewide Vendor Fiscal/Employer Agent (VF/EA) FMS organization. Currently, ODP contracts with Palco Inc. to provide FMS to waiver participants who elect to use the VF/EA FMS model.

For more information regarding the two FMS models (AWC and VF/EA) please visit the Participant Directed Services/Financial Management Services section on MyODP.