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BH-MCO Task Force

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As part of the ongoing Intensive Behavioral Health Services (IBHS) Implementation, OMHSAS has released an updated FAQ. This guide represents a composite of updated inquiries regarding the standards and will be updated as a companion piece to the implementation. New questions appear as follows: Question #14 on page 26 and Question #7 on page 29.

We also stress the importance that our members continue to work with your BH-MCOs on the rate development process, by submitting the requested line by line budget cost analysis for the actual cost of programming IBHS based upon the regulations. RCPA will keep working with the OMHSAS Children’s Bureau and BH-MCO task force in the rate development process as well.

The RCPA Children’s IBHS Work Group continues its work on standards and implementation values for our members and will convey its findings to the Children’s Division via Alerts, Infos, and regularly scheduled divisional meetings. Contact RCPA Children’s Division Director Jim Sharp with questions.

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As a follow up to December’s meeting of RCPA and the BH-MCO Task Force, and the development of the IBHS rates, we continue to strongly recommend providers consider the activities listed below.

We also request, in addition to providing this to your BH MCOs, that you provide RCPA with a copy of the information so we can develop a concise picture of the actual cost of care by our provider network. All agency information will be held securely and will remain confidential.

  • Agencies should do a line-by-line review of the IBHS Regulations to determine current and future costs to implement a specific regulation.
  • Areas such as training, supervision, staff credentialing, infrastructure redesign, hiring, quality improvement requirements, and individual staff training plan development/tracking should be considered, but be sure to consider all regulations impacting the delivery of service platform.
  • The cost calculations should be shared with your BH-MCO so they have a full understanding of the actual cost of care that your agency will require to deliver the IBHS service(s).

This rate development process will require a partnership with the providers to capture the actual cost of care and implementation. RCPA and the Children’s IBHS Work Group continue to work on the implementation values for IBHS. If you have questions or feedback, please contact RCPA Children’s Division Director Jim Sharp.