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Last evening, the Brain Injury Association of America (BIAA) released the following Action Alert regarding a bill that proposes to eliminate brain injury (BI) programs at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Injury Center. View the Action Alert below:

House Budget Bill Proposes to Eliminate Brain Injury Programs at the CDC Injury Center

Dear Brain Injury Champions and Advocates,

On Wednesday, the House Subcommittee on Labor, Health and Human Services, Education, and Related Agencies proposed a budget bill for Fiscal Year 2025 that would eliminate all brain injury programs under the Centers for Disease Control’s Injury Center.

This would be an enormous step backwards. Without these brain injury programs, we’ll have even less accurate data and create a void in public education and outreach.

We need you to help us oppose this proposal and preserve brain injury programming!


We are asking ALL our advocates to email and call House Appropriations Labor and Health and Human Services Subcommittee members and ask them to save the Injury Center by 9:00 am on Wednesday, July 10.

You can learn more about what’s at stake and find a sample email and phone script by selecting the Take Action Now button below.

Take Action Now

We need all the help we can get. You can help by spreading the word on social media and within your social circles! Action is needed NOW!

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When it comes to something as serious as concussion — an injury that is estimated to occur every 15 seconds in the United States — the faster you receive a diagnosis, the faster you can get back to the things you love. And yet, over half of people who suspect they have a concussion never get it checked.

The Brain Injury Association of America (BIAA) is proud to be the cofounder of Concussion Awareness Now, a coalition of organizations dedicated to changing how society views concussion. It’s not tough to tough it out. And if you hit your head, you should get it checked.

The Concussion Awareness Now coalition includes nearly 20 partners, including organizations that determine guidelines for concussion care, advocate for patients, and work with communities who are vulnerable to concussions. Together, we have decades of experience in the brain injury community and the resources to create a rallying cry for awareness and, ultimately, action. Our goal is to help reshape how society views concussion so that people get the care they need.

Learn more at Concussion Awareness Now and follow the coalition on Facebook and Instagram.