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Photo by Markus Winkler on Unsplash

The Medical Assistance (MA) Bulletin posted on 10-22-2021 applies to all providers that render personal care services (PCS) to beneficiaries in the fee-for-service (FFS) delivery system, including Agency with Choice and Vendor Fiscal/Employer Agent financial management services organizations that provide PCS to MA participants who are enrolled in an Office of Developmental Program or Office of Long-Term Living waiver, the Act 150 Program, or a Community HealthChoices managed care organization.

The purpose of the bulletin is to:

  • Advise providers of updates to certain error status codes (ESC) for PCS subject to electronic visit verification (EVV), effective for claims received on and after October 22, 2021; and
  • Advise providers of an updated Provider Assistance Center (PAC) contact e-mail for their use.

Providers rendering PCS in the managed care delivery system should address any questions regarding ESCs for PCS subject to EVV with the applicable managed care organization.

ODP Announcement 21-071 announces the release of additional Incident Management (IM) Bulletin trainings on the MyODP website, which focus on incident response, medication management, and target separation. The first course is titled “Responding to Incidents” and is relevant for all stakeholders. This course contains a series of four webcasts. The series also introduces two guides that are intended to assist individuals and families.

  • Incident Management Family Guide — “When Something Bad Happens to Someone I Care About or Support” : This guide was developed to provide families information about incident management processes and help guide a discussion. This guide is referenced throughout the series.
  • A Guide to Victim’s Assistance — This guide was developed to provide support team members information about resources available to support victims of crime that can be accessed locally. This guide is discussed in Part 3 of the series.

The second course is titled “Agency Focused Incident Management Training” and contains two webcasts that are targeted to Agency Incident Management Representatives and others who may have a role in agency incident reporting, management, oversight, or monitoring activities.

Visit the MyODP website to access Incident Management Bulletin 00-02-21 and attachments, resources, ODP announcements, and other additional ODP Incident Management trainings.

Image by Werner Moser from Pixabay

ODP Announcement 21-053 announces the opportunity for public comment on the draft Room and Board Bulletin. The public comment period is open for 30 days from July 13, 2021 until August 13, 2021.

Under 55 Pa. Code Chapter 6100, room and board agreements:

  • Ensure that individuals have access to essential items such as food, cleaning products, toiletries, towels, bedding, access to a telephone and internet, etc.;
  • Are required whenever an individual receives the Residential Habilitation or Life Sharing Service through base funding, the Consolidated Waver, the Community Living Waiver, or the Adult Autism Waiver;
  • Are not required when an individual receives the Life Sharing service in a home that the individual owns or leases; and
  • Are not required when an individual receives Supported Living service since the individual owns or leases the home.

This bulletin was drafted to provide clarification on policies and procedures to providers for collecting and calculating room and board, provider responsibilities covered under room and board, and instructions on how to complete the Room and Board Residency Agreement.

COMMENTS: Interested stakeholders are invited to review and make comments on the proposed Room and Board Bulletin as outlined below. Comments received by 11:59 pm on August 13, 2021 will be reviewed and considered for revisions to the bulletin.

Comments submitted in writing should be addressed to:
Denise Adams-Moore,
Department of Human Services,
Office of Developmental Programs,
625 Forster Street, Room 510,
Harrisburg, PA 17120.

Comments submitted through email should be sent to ODP using subject header “Room and Board Bulletin Public Comment.”

There will be two webinars offered to provide an overview of the bulletin, answer questions, and provide an opportunity for participants to provide verbal comment. ODP encourages you to sign up for only one session that is most appropriate for your role, as there are limited spaces. These sessions will be recorded and posted on MyODP.