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CARES Act Best Practices Compliance Checklist for Providers

Checklist concept - checklist, paper and pen

Buchanan Ingersoll has put together a Compliance Checklist for Providers as a resource for providers. Applying for, retaining, and monitoring CARES Act funding can be a complex process, requiring careful oversight and a significant time commitment. Failure to comply with the relevant requirements set forth by the federal government for Provider Relief Fund recipients could put your health care organization at substantial risk. Just to begin with, any provider that received more than $150,000 in funding will need to file detailed quarterly reports; and those that received more than $750,000 will be automatically audited by the Office of Inspector General (OIG).

Buchanan’s experienced CARES Act Compliance Team can provide guidance regarding proper policy enhancements, accounting considerations, necessary documentation, training, and report/audit preparation, as well as assisting your organization in fully understanding the risks of noncompliance, so you are protected. If you’d like more information, please contact Buchanan Ingersoll directly. Visit this web page for details or to submit any questions you have.