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Casey Initiative

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Young Girl Talking With Counselor At Home

RCPA is eager to support our partner, Pennsylvania Partnerships for Children (PPC), with Casey Family Programs as they look to facilitate community engagement sessions aimed at elevating the lived experiences of those parents and caregivers who have been involved with the Child Welfare System. The purpose would be to learn what policies and practices can focus on primary prevention, family support, and reduction of out-of-home placement. PPC is looking to identify providers who have access to parents and caregivers with a history of formal involvement with the child welfare system through either a referral, in-home services, or placement. The parent or caregiver cannot have current involvement with a county child welfare agency.

The focus group would be coordinated between the provider and PPC and would take approximately 2 hours. Parents and caregivers will be compensated for their time.

We hope our members can support PPC efforts in engaging potential parents in this initiative. If interested, or if you have any questions, contact Policy Director Rachael Miller or RCPA Policy Director Jim Sharp.