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Changes to Coverage

ODP Announcement 21-064 describes how the change to the Medical Assistance state plan impacts the coverage of Home Accessibility Adaptations through the Community Living, Consolidated, Person/Family Directed Support (P/FDS), Adult Autism Waivers, and base funding.

The Medical Assistance state plan has been updated to cover home accessibility durable medical equipment used by individuals with a mobility impairment to enter and exit their home or to support activities of daily living. Everyone enrolled in a Waiver must be eligible for items and services covered through the Medical Assistance state plan (either through Fee-For-Service or a physical health managed care organization). For this reason, items and services covered by the Medical Assistance state plan cannot be covered by Waivers (42 CFR §433 Subpart D.).

Please read the announcement for the details of how this change will impact individuals receiving waiver services in ODP. Please direct any questions about this announcement to your respective regional Office of Developmental Programs.