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The Office of Long-Term Living (OLTL) will conduct a Financial Management Services (FMS) stakeholder webinar on October 7, 2022, from 1:00 pm – 2:30 pm. This public meeting will be to discuss upcoming changes for the administration of FMS under the Community HealthChoices (CHC), OBRA Waiver, and Act 150 programs. Representatives from the Office of Long-Term Living (OLTL) and CHC Managed Care Organizations will be in attendance to discuss upcoming changes. Registration is required to participate in the webinar. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.

If you choose to use your phone to call in, please use the numbers below:

Dial in: (631) 992-3221
Access Code: 988871316#
Audio PIN: shown after joining the webinar

The next Financial Management Services (FMS) stakeholder meeting is scheduled for Friday, September 2, 2022, from 1:00 pm – 2:30 pm. The purpose of this meeting is to discuss the upcoming changes for the administration of FMS under the Community HealthChoices (CHC), OBRA Waiver, and Act 150 programs. Representatives from the Office of Long-Term Living (OLTL) and CHC Managed Care Organizations (MCOs) will be in attendance to discuss upcoming changes.

Please register using this registration link. After registering, you will receive a confirmation containing information about joining the webinar.

If you choose to use your phone to call in, please use the numbers below:
Dial in: 562-247-8422
Access Code: 834499387#
Audio PIN: shown after joining the webinar

Photo by Christina @ wocintechchat.com on Unsplash

This is a reminder that there is a Financial Management Services (FMS) stakeholder meeting today, August 5, from 1:00 pm – 2:30 pm.

The purpose of this public meeting is to discuss upcoming changes for the administration of FMS under the Community HealthChoices (CHC), OBRA Waiver, and Act 150 programs. Representatives from the Office of Long-Term Living (OLTL) and CHC Managed Care Organizations (MCOs) will be in attendance to discuss upcoming changes.

Please register using this link. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.

If you choose to use your phone to call in, please use the numbers below:
Dial in: 415-930-5321
Access Code: 264854023#
Audio PIN: shown after joining the webinar

The next Financial Management Services (FMS) Stakeholder meeting has been scheduled for August 5, 2022, from 1:00 pm – 2:30 pm.

This public meeting is being held to discuss upcoming changes for the administration of FMS under the Community HealthChoices (CHC), OBRA Waiver, and Act 150 Programs. Representatives from the Office of Long-Term Living (OLTL) and Community HealthChoices Managed Care Organizations (CHC MCOs) will be in attendance to discuss upcoming changes.

Please register using this registration link. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.

If you choose to use your phone to call in, please use the numbers below:
Dial in: (415) 930-5321
Access Code: 264854023#
Audio PIN: shown after joining the webinar

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) has approved the Office of Long-Term Living’s (OLTL) Community HealthChoices (CHC) Waiver amendment that transfers oversight of Financial Management Services (FMS) from an OLTL-held contract to an administrative function of the CHC-MCOs and revises waiver performance measure AA-5. The amendment became effective on July 1, 2022.

The current approved CHC 1915(c) Waiver document with the FMS amendment can be viewed here. The link can be found under the heading “Community HealthChoices 1915(b) Managed Care and 1915(c) Home and Community-Based Waivers.”

Questions about the CHC Waiver amendment should be sent via email.

The Office of Long-Term Living (OLTL) has announced the next Financial Management Services (FMS) Stakeholder meeting is scheduled for Friday, June 3, 2022, from 1:00 pm – 2:30 pm. This public meeting will be held to discuss upcoming changes for the administration of FMS under the Community HealthChoices (CHC), OBRA Waiver, and Act 150 Programs. Representatives from OLTL and CHC Managed Care Organizations (MCOs) will be in attendance to discuss upcoming changes.

In order to participate, registration is required. Please register here. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.

If you choose to use your phone to call in, please use the numbers below:

Dial in: 562-247-8422
Access Code: 268096146#
Audio PIN: shown after joining the webinar

ODP Announcement 22-039 describes actions the Administrative Entities (AEs) and Supports Coordination Organizations (SCOs) must take when an Office of Developmental Programs’ (ODP) waiver or base participant is admitted to a Nursing Facility (NF) to ensure a coordinated transition to Long-Term Care (LTC) services and prevent service interruptions.

When an ODP waiver participant (Adult Autism, Consolidated, Community Living, or Person/Family Directed Support) is identified for NF admission, he or she will transition from the ODP waiver to Community Health Choices (CHC) for their Long-Term Services and Supports (LTSS). Nursing services are started the day of admission into the NF, ensuring health and safety. The individual must begin to receive CHC services on the day he or she is admitted to the NF. Individuals cannot be dually enrolled in CHC and an ODP waiver. The AE, county MH/ID program, and/or SC will assist the individual in transitioning to the NF and move the participant into reserved capacity for their ODP waiver.

Enrollment in an ODP waiver or base services in HCSIS prevents the CHC from enrolling the individual in LTSS in eCIS; therefore, the AE must end date the waiver or base enrollment in HCSIS prior to the CHC enrollment date in eCIS/CIS to avoid overlap.

Please review the announcement for further guidance.

The Office of Long-Term Living (OLTL) recently released the Request for Information (RFI) to gather feedback regarding the implementation of Agency With Choice (AWC) services for the participants of Medical Assistance (MA) managed care programs, the 1915(c) MA home and community-based services (HCBS) waiver program, and a state-funded program.

Through these programs, eligible participants receive long-term services and supports (LTSS) and other benefits, depending on the particular program. Specifically, this RFI seeks information to assist OLTL in determining how it may improve options for LTSS participants to self-direct their services in the Community HealthChoices Program (CHC), OBRA Waiver, and the state-funded Act 150 Attendant Care Program through the procurement and implementation of AWC.

Through this RFI, OLTL is seeking to become more aware of and knowledgeable about current efforts to increase opportunities for self-direction and feedback on the implementation of AWC through a potential, future procurement. OLTL encourages interested parties, including vendors and stakeholders, to provide feedback in response to this RFI or any part of it. An interested party may respond to all or any of the specific questions or topics included in this RFI.

RFI responses are due by12:00 pm on March 25, 2022. Responses must be submitted electronically with “OLTL Agency With Choice RFI” in the email subject line. While OLTL does not intend to respond to questions or clarifications during the RFI response period, interested parties and individuals may submit administrative questions related to this RFI electronically using “OLTL Agency With Choice” in the email subject line. OLTL may or may not respond based on the nature of the question.

Image by DarkmoonArt_de from Pixabay

The next Financial Management Services (FMS) stakeholder meeting has been scheduled for April 1, 2022, from 1:00 pm–2:30 pm.

The purpose of this public meeting is to discuss upcoming changes for the administration of FMS under the Community HealthChoices (CHC), OBRA Waiver, and Act 150 programs. Representatives from the Office of Long-Term Living (OLTL) and CHC Managed Care Organizations (MCOs) will be in attendance to discuss upcoming changes.

Please register using this registration link. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.

If you choose to use your phone to call in, please use the numbers below:
Dial in: 1 (415) 930-5321
Access Code: 847510418#
Audio PIN: shown after joining the webinar

A Financial Management Services (FMS) stakeholder meeting has been scheduled for March 4, 2022, from 1:00 pm–2:30 pm. This public meeting will include a discussion on the upcoming changes for the administration of FMS under the Community HealthChoices (CHC), OBRA Waiver, and Act 150 Programs. Representatives from both the CHC Managed Care Organizations (MCOs) and the Office of Long-Term Living (OLTL) will be in attendance to discuss the upcoming changes.

Registration is required to participate. Once registered, participants will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.

If you choose to use your phone to call in, please use the numbers below:
Dial in: (562) 247-8321
Access Code: 625418280#
Audio PIN: shown after joining the webinar