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CMHSBG Review Period

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The Implementation Report for the Community Mental Health Services Block Grant (CMHSBG) is submitted to the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) annually to report the outcomes of the grant. The report includes both financial reporting and updates on the priorities set forth in the CMHSBG Application. Changes to the priorities can only be made in the biannual application; the Implementation Report only tracks the progress of those priorities already set. The majority of the Implementation Report requires charts that are submitted separately through the National Research Institute and are not available for review at this time.

The OMHSAS Bureau of Policy, Planning, and Program Development submits the attached sections through the SAMHSA Grant site (WebBGas). Any comments or questions regarding the CMHSBG 2019 Implementation Report may be directed to Wendy Tucker or 717-705-8280.