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CMS Correction to FY 2020 IRF PPS Proposed Rule

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The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) identified a typographical error in the publication of the fiscal year (FY) 2020 inpatient rehabilitation facility prospective payment system (IRF PPS) proposed rule that was published in the April 24, 2019 Federal Register. The error was in the calculation of the estimated burden for the IRF quality reporting program (QRP).

On page 17329 of the proposed rule it states, “Specifically, we believe that there will be an addition of 7.4 minutes on admission, and 11.1 minutes on discharge, for a total of 8.9 minutes of additional clinical staff time to report data per patient stay.” This sentence should have stated, “Specifically, we believe that there will be an addition of 7.8 minutes on admission, and 11.1 minutes on discharge, for a total of 18.9 minutes of additional clinical staff time to report data per patient stay.”

The final values and the overall burden proposed in the rule are correct despite these minor typographical errors. CMS will correct the figures in the final rule. A technical correction will not be issued due to the nature of the errors.

Contact Melissa Dehoff, RCPA Rehabilitation Services Division Director, with questions.