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CMS Primary Cares Initiative

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The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) recently announced the Primary Cares Initiative, which includes a new set of payment models that will transform primary care to deliver better value for patients throughout the health care system. The initiative will seek to reduce administrative burdens and empower primary care providers to spend more time caring for patients while reducing overall health care costs. The initiative will be administered through the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Innovation (CMMI) under two paths: Primary Care First (PCF) and Direct Contracting (DC). The PCF payment models are focused on individual primary care providers, while the DC payment model options target a wider range of organizations that are capable of tending to larger patient populations and are experienced in handling financial risk, such as Medicaid managed care organizations, accountable care organizations, and Medicare Advantage plans.

The PCF models will be tested for five years and are currently scheduled to begin in January 2020. The DC models are expected to launch for a performance period in January 2021. CMS is seeking public comment on the DC model with comments being accepted until May 23, 2019.

Additional information is provided on the CMS website, including dates/times for webinars for interested stakeholders.