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Consolidated Waiver

The Office of Developmental Programs (ODP) released notification on Tuesday, January 14, 2020 of the new Provider Agreement for Participation in Pennsylvania’s Consolidated Waiver, Person/Family Directed Support Waiver, Adult Autism Waiver and Community Living Waiver (“Waiver Programs”) that will serve as the statewide “Provider Agreement” between providers of waiver-funded services and ODP, the Department of Human Services, as the Pennsylvania State Medicaid Agency effective January 1, 2020.

This letter from ODP Deputy Secretary Kristin Ahrens was not included in the original distribution. The letter provides further clarification on the applicability of the new Provider Agreement and includes a due date for submission of the signed agreement. In addition, the Provider Agreement Form and Instructions have been updated. Every waiver provider must complete an agreement.

  • The legal entity of each waiver provider is required to submit only one agreement for that legal entity, regardless of the number of services provided or the number of service locations operated by the legal entity.
  • Each agreement must include the original signature of the provider’s Chief Executive Officer/Director/Owner.
  • Please also provide a copy of your agency’s IRS letter 147C to verify the agency’s legal name and FEIN.
  • Completed agreements may be submitted to ODP as an attachment via email.

Completed agreements may also be submitted by traditional mail to:

Department of Human Services Office of Developmental Programs
Attention: Provider Enrollment
625 Forster Street, Room 413
Health and Welfare Building
Harrisburg, PA 17120

Questions relating to the provider agreement process may be directed to the ODP Provider Enrollment Unit. Please note; this agreement is effective as of January 1, 2020. Agreements must be returned by March 1, 2020 to the ODP Provider Agreement resource account. Questions regarding this notification should also be directed to this account.

ODP Announcement 19-126 provides information regarding the Adult Autism Waiver Amendment webinar recording that is now available. This webinar discussed the proposed amendment to the Adult Autism Waiver and obtained public comment on the proposed changes. This webinar was held on September 16, 2019. The webinar was recorded and is now available online along with the PowerPoint presentation. You may find this link on MyODP.org by following this path:

Resources > ODP Information > Waiver Renewals & Amendments > Proposed AAW Amendments

The waiver amendment is also accessible online. An online document containing a side-by-side comparison of the waiver in its previous and amended forms is available.

Questions about this communication should be directed to this email.

ODP Announcement 19-130 serves to announce that the amendments to the ID/A waivers communicated in ODP Announcement 19-102 were approved by CMS on September 24, 2019. These  amendments were submitted to CMS on July 19, 2019. Since that time, ODP has been engaged in ongoing discussions with CMS. One substantive change was made as follows, to allow indirect activities to be rendered on behalf of an individual as part of the Housing Transition and Tenancy Sustaining Service in all ID/A waivers based on those discussions:

Housing Transition services are direct and indirect services provided to participants. Indirect activities that cannot be billed include driving to appointments, completing service notes and progress notes, and exploring resources and developing relationships that are not specific to a participant’s needs as these activities are included in the rate. The following direct and indirect activities are billable under Housing Transition:

  • Conducting a tenant screening and housing assessment that identifies the participant’s preferences and barriers related to successful tenancy. The assessment may include collecting information on potential housing transition barriers, and identification of housing retention barriers… (There was no change to the list of activities covered under Housing Transition. Please see the service definition for the full list of activities).

Each full waiver application approved by CMS is available as follows:

Questions about this communication should be directed to the appropriate Office of Developmental Programs Regional Office.

ODP Announcement 19-102 provides information regarding the amendments submitted to the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) regarding the Consolidated, Community Living, and P/FDS waivers. It is anticipated that the amendments will become effective October 1, 2019.

CMS has 90 days to review the amendments and changes may occur to the content based upon discussion with CMS during the approval process. Each full waiver application, as well as a side-by-side of substantive changes made as a result of public comment is available online here.

The amendments align with 55 Pa. Code Chapter 6100 regulations when effective, ensure compliance with the Home and Community-Based Settings regulations, and align with the Office of Developmental Programs’ Everyday Lives recommendations.

The amendments include a plan to serve medically complex children in a community home when transitioning from an extended hospital stay if they are unable to return to their family home. Also, the scope of professionals who can diagnose intellectual disability has been expanded.

ODP is adding the expectation that all providers of Community Participation Support services must offer individuals opportunities to participate in community activities that are consistent with the individual’s preferences, choices, and interests. On-call and remote support is proposed in order to support the fading of service and dependence on paid staff. The number of procedure codes and staffing levels has been decreased to more accurately reflect service delivery.

Starting January 1, 2022, CPS services may not be provided in any facility required to hold a 2380 or 2390 license that serves more than 150 individuals at any one time, including individuals funded through any source. All participants receiving prevocational services must have a competitive integrated employment outcome included in their service plan. There must be documentation in the service plan regarding how and when the provision of prevocational services is expected to lead to competitive integrated employment. CPS may not be provided in newly funded (on or after January 1, 2020) licensed 2380 or 2390 locations which serve more than 25 individuals in the facility at any one time.

Residential Habilitation, Life Sharing, and Supported Living Services will be required to utilize the recommendations provided in the Health Risk Screening Tool. SCs will be expected to monitor the implementation of the recommendations and incorporate them into the Individual’s Plan. Also, clarification is provided regarding the location parameters for newly funded sites.

ODP is proposing that respite can be provided by nurses for children with medical needs to assure the appropriate level of care is available.

Qualifications required for Support Service Professionals, Individuals, and Agency Providers have been clarified, including timelines for completion of certification requirements. Additionally, supported employment can be provided to individuals until OVR services are available, particularly when OVR has established a waiting list.

For a side-by-side comparison of substantive changes made as a result of public comment, see this online document. Questions about this communication should be directed to the appropriate ODP Regional Office.

ODP Announcement 19-066 serves as notice of the opportunity for public comment on proposed changes to the Consolidated, P/FDS, and Community Living Waivers. These changes (referred to as waiver amendments) are anticipated to be effective on October 1, 2019. As part of this process, ODP is seeking your valuable feedback and comments on the proposed waiver amendments. There is a 30-day public comment period that began on June 8, 2019 and ends on July 8, 2019.

Whenever substantive changes are made to an approved waiver, ODP must submit an amendment to the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) for approval. ODP proposes to amend the Consolidated, P/FDS, and Community Living Waivers as follows:

  • Increase the number of individuals served in the Consolidated and Community Living waivers as provided for in the Governor’s proposed budget to support more people in the community.
  • Add planning requirements for Administrative Entities to address access to needed waiver services upon graduation to individuals who will graduate from special education and who are not eligible to continue their education through the next year.
  • Provide for support of children with medical needs who transition from a facility that does not meet waiver home and community-based settings requirements to live with their families or, if living with their family is not possible, in the home of another nurturing caregiver.
  • Increase community participation of waiver participants through changes in service definitions, such as the addition of an on-call and remote support component to the Community Participation Support service and clarification as to where newly enrolled licensed facilities can be located.
  • Increase competitive integrated employment of waiver participants by allowing Supported Employment services to be provided when a waiver participant has received an offer of competitive integrated employment and the Office of Vocational Rehabilitation (OVR) has not made an eligibility determination at that time and by clarifying where Advanced Supported Employment services can be provided.
  • Develop and support qualified staff by extending the timeframe by which requirements for employment credentials or certificates must be obtained to July 1, 2019 for Supported Employment, Small Group Employment, and the prevocational component of the Community Participation Support service.
  • Promote health, wellness, and safety by clarifying that Supports Coordinators should review information in health risk screening tools when applicable and determine whether there have been any changes in orders, plans, or medical interventions prescribed or recommended by medical or behavioral professionals when Supports Coordinators monitor a waiver participant’s health and safety, and develop Individual Support Plans (ISPs).
  • Clarify the role direct service professionals perform through Communication Specialist services.

The proposed amendments to the Consolidated, P/FDS, and Community Living Waivers effective October 1, 2019 are available here.

Information regarding the proposed waiver amendment changes, including how to provide comments, can be found in the Pennsylvania Bulletin, Volume 49, Number 23, published on Saturday, June 8, 2019.

Comments received by 11:59 pm on July 8, 2019 will be reviewed and considered for revisions to the waiver amendments submitted to CMS.

Comments should be addressed to Julie Mochon, Department of Human Services, Office of Developmental Programs, 625 Forster Street, Room 510, Harrisburg, PA 17120. Comments may also be submitted to ODP at this email.

ODP will also hold two webinars to receive comments on the proposed waiver amendments. Dates, times, and links for registration to attend these webinars are as follows:

  • Thursday, June 20, 2019, 1:00 pm to 3:00 pm
  • Monday, June 24, 2019, 10:00 am to 12:00 pm

Register for webinars using this link. Questions about this communication should be submitted via email.

The Office of Developmental Programs issued ODP Communication Number 102-18 announcing delays in two areas that were scheduled to go into effect for ODP Waiver programs. Amendments to the Consolidated, P/FDS, and Community Living Waivers were recently approved by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) effective November 1, 2018. This communication is regarding the following two changes in the amendments that were scheduled to take effect on January 1, 2019:

  1. Transportation Trip was to transition from a cost-based rate to a fee schedule rate

Implementation of the changes to Transportation Trip will be delayed until July 1, 2019. This delay includes all of the following changes associated with transitioning Transportation Trip from a cost-based service to a fee schedule service:

  • Changes to the number of miles covered in each zone designation;
  • Expanding the service to be provided by relatives, legal guardians, and Organized Health Care Delivery Systems; and
  • Expanding the service to be self-directed through the Agency With Choice or Vendor  Fiscal/Employer Agent participant-directed services models.

These changes are not to be included in a person’s Individual Support Plan effective January 1, 2019. ODP has submitted an amendment to CMS to maintain the Transportation Trip service definition and cost-based rate methodology in its current approved state with no changes effective January 1, 2019.

  1. As part of qualification requirements, staff were to complete the Certified Employment Support Professional (CESP) credential, Basic Employment Services Certificate of Achievement or a Professional Certificate of Achievement in Employment Services certification for certain employment services and components of Community Participation Support.

ODP has received feedback that providers are struggling to have all required staff complete the Basic Employment Services Certificate of Achievement or Professional Certificate of Achievement in Employment Services prior to the pending January 1, 2019 deadline. As a result, the requirement for staff to have one of those qualifications will be delayed until July 1, 2019.

It is imperative that all impacted providers and common law employers that have staff who are required to have one of these employment credentials or certificates start the process now if they have not already done so. There will be no further delays granted in implementation of this qualification criteria.

ODP is drafting another set of amendments to the Consolidated, P/FDS, and Community Living Waivers that will be effective July 1, 2019. Both the changes to transition Transportation Trip to a fee schedule rate and the delay of the qualification criteria regarding employment credentials and certificates discussed in this communication will be included in those amendments with other proposed changes. ODP anticipates that the proposed amendments will be released for public comment in February or March of 2019.

All other changes contained in the waiver amendments effective November 1, 2018 remain effective and must be followed. The current approved waivers can be accessed here.

Contact RCPA IDD Division Director Carol Ferenz with questions.

ODP Announcement 098-18 announces availability of the recording of the webinar regarding the Consolidated, Community Living, and P/FDS Waiver amendments effective November 1, 2018. The Office of Developmental Programs (ODP) held two webinars to discuss the changes made to the waiver amendments as a result of public comment and ODP review. These webinars were held on October 17 and October 23, 2018. The session on October 23 was recorded and is now available online along with the PowerPoint presentation used at the sessions.

The waiver amendments are also accessible online. An online document containing a side-by-side comparison of the waiver in its previous and amended form is available. Contact Carol Ferenz, RCPA IDD Division Director, with questions.

The Office of Developmental Programs (ODP) released ODP Bulletin 00-18-04 today with long awaited guidance for claim documentation and service documentation. In anticipation of new regulatory provisions being promulgated, and in order to respond to providers’ requests for guidance until the final rulemaking is effective, ODP is providing interim guidance to providers of Consolidated, Community Living, and P/FDS Waiver services, as well as Targeted Support Management.

The CMS State Medicaid Manual (2497.2) requires accounting records to be supported by appropriate source documentation and be readily available for audit. There are federal and state requirements that documentation is to be available at the time of claim submission. Providers must maintain the documentation used to generate a claim. If the provider does not have this documentation, the claim is not eligible for Federal Financial Participation (FFP) The required documentation must demonstrate that the service is:

  • Provided to a Medicaid-eligible individual (Medicaid eligibility can be verified by checking the Eligibility Verification System (EVS));
  • Provided by a qualified provider of that service meeting licensing standards;
  • Authorized based on assessed need;
  • Rendered as authorized in the Individual Support Plan (ISP); and
  • Compliant with the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) State Medicaid Manual, which states that each claim for service must include the following:
  1. Date the service was rendered;
  2. Name of the recipient;
  3. Medicaid identification number, if applicable;
  4. Name of the provider agency and person providing the service;
  5. Nature, extent, or units of service; and
  6. The place(s) the service was rendered.

Pennsylvania requirements in 55 Pa. Code Chapter 1101 specify the documentation requirements for clinical services for the treatment of a medical diagnosis. These requirements must be followed as home and community-based services are covered under the scope of Chapter 1101.

One major component of a claim record is service notes. The provider or common law employer is responsible for ensuring that service notes are completed for each service delivered to an individual. Service notes include information related to the provision of home and community-based services. Service documentation is completed by the person providing the service and is used to record information related to service delivery. The completion of this documentation is typically done during or immediately after the provision of a service.

A service note is to be completed on the day the service is delivered. The provider may choose to enter multiple service notes for multiple services for one individual in the same document or form if all required information is included.

For services that are billed in 15 minute or hour units, a service note is to be completed when services are provided by the same staff person(s) for a continuous span of 15 minute or hour billing units. A continuous span of 15 minute or hour billing units is defined as the uninterrupted provision of a service by the same staff person(s) that is not stopped or discontinued. A new service note must be completed when there is an interruption of service or a change in staff person(s) providing the service within the calendar day.

For services that are billed in day units, a service note must be completed for each day unit that documents the provision of direct or indirect services (such as staff on-call or the use of remote monitoring) for the minimum number of hours required to bill for the day unit. For residential services (Residential Habilitation, Life Sharing and Supported Living) and respite provided in licensed or unlicensed residential settings or other licensed settings (private ICFs/ID, or nursing homes), a service note must be completed for each day unit that documents the provision of at least 8 hours of direct or indirect services. For Respite services provided in private homes that are billed as a day unit, a service note must be completed for each day unit that documents the provision of more than 16 hours of service. When the provider is not rendering direct services to the individual, (the individual is at work, visiting friends, etc.) a new service note is not required to be completed. When there is a change in staff providing a service billed in day units, a new service note is not required when there is a change in the staff providing the service.

The service notes describe service activities and are intended to be an information source to be used by provider staff, the provider, the common law employer or managing employer, and the Supports Coordinator. This information is used to document that the service is being delivered as required in the ISP.

When an individual is self-directing services through the Vendor Fiscal/Employer Agent model, the common law employer is responsible to ensure service notes are completed. The service notes shall be maintained in the individual’s record by the common law employer. When an individual is self-directing services through the Agency with Choice model, the managing employer or the Agency with Choice organization will ensure that service notes are completed. The service notes shall be maintained in the individual’s and Agency with Choice organization’s records.

Supports Coordinators and Targeted Support Managers document service activities that occur with or on behalf of individuals within one business day of the activity. ODP is aware that various methods are used to document these activities such as logs, electronic notes, and recorded documentation completed during service provision and that this documentation is used to complete the Home and Community Services Information System (HCSIS) service notes. Supports Coordination Organizations and TSM providers will continue to complete HCSIS service notes in accordance with ODP guidance and training. Supports Coordinators and Targeted Support Managers have 7 days from the date of contact to enter their service notes into HCSIS.

Some services require progress notes to be completed periodically. Current ODP regulations, 55 Pa. Code § 51.16 (relating to progress notes) describe progress note requirements. Progress notes are typically an assessment written by a program specialist or other provider staff who conduct routine reviews or oversight of staff or during service monitoring. The documentation will indicate whether there has been progress or lack of progress toward the individual’s desired outcomes as stated in the ISP and documentation of restrictive intervention usage as part of the progress notes are to be completed by provider staff. Because a progress note is completed after the provision of services and submission of billing, it is not a requirement for the submission of a claim.

The bulletin provides detailed information regarding the required information necessary for progress notes. The attachment to the bulletin provides interim technical guidance for Claim and Service Documentation by service type and W code.