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Data Submission Tool

Deadline, as Letters on a Clock

The Agreement for Provision of Residential Services requires all residential providers to provide information for tier assignment in order to be assigned to a tier on an annual basis. The Performance-Based Contracting (PBC) Data Submission Tool for the current contract year became available on February 15, 2025. All Residential Providers must submit data and documentation related to their organization’s performance no later than 11:59 pm Saturday, March 15, 2025. Providers intending to be in the Primary Tier must complete a PBC submission.

Providers that fail to submit data and documentation for tier determination by March 15, 2025:

  1. Will be in violation of their Agreement for Provision of Residential Services and will be required to take immediate corrective action. Without correction, they may be subject to sanctions up to and including termination of the Agreement for Provision of Residential Services.
  2. Will not be eligible for Pay-for Performance (P4P).

Please see ODPANN 25-020: Performance-Based Contracting Residential Provider Data Submission Tool Availability for submission instructions and details. Comprehensive information is available at the Performance-Based Contracting Resource Page on MyODP.

Photo by Markus Winkler on Unsplash

The ODP Announcement 25-019, which was issued Friday, February 14, 2025, has been re-issued with a corrected link for the Provider P4P Data Submission Tool Link. The tool is available here. The link in the initial announcement was pointed to the Primary survey. The Primary survey is NOT the P4P Survey.

Please view the announcement for additional information and details.

ODP Announcement 25-020 is to inform residential providers that the link to the Performance-Based Contracting (PBC) Data Submission Tool will be available on February 15, 2025. The Residential Services Provider PBC Data Submission Tool is for all providers who did not submit PBC information in August 2024 and will instead be submitting data and documentation during the current review period (February 15, 2025 – March 15, 2025).

The Data Submission Tool is web-based in QuestionPro and was created as a mechanism for providers of Residential Habilitation, Supported Living, and Life Sharing services to submit data and documentation related to their organization’s performance. In addition to this communication, ODP will send a notification with instructions to applicable residential providers via the QA&I listserv with details for completing the PBC Data Submission Tool.

In addition, ODP Announcement 25-019 informs residential providers that the link to the Pay for Performance (P4P) Data Submission Tool will be available on February 15, 2025. The same P4P Data Submission tool will be used for all tier categories. All responses are captured electronically via data input or document upload. Participation in each area is optional; providers may submit data for one, two, all three initiatives, or none.

It is recommended that providers complete the required Performance-Based Contracting (PBC) Data Submission Tool prior to submitting for P4P, as providers will be given the option in the P4P tool to use the same documents submitted for Credentialing (Primary) and Employment from the PBC tool.

The Provider P4P Data Submission Tool is available here. Again, the tool will be available February 15, 2025.

Please direct any questions about this information to the ODP PBC inbox.