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Department of Labor and Industry

The Office of Long-Term Living (OLTL) has announced the availability of a link to an online application for interested individuals to request employment services from the Pennsylvania Office of Vocational Rehabilitation (OVR).

OVR is a state agency within the Department of Labor and Industry whose mission is “to assist Pennsylvanians with a disability secure and maintain employment and independence.” A person with a disability can either refer themselves, or their service coordinator (SC), advocate, family member, or friend may make a referral.

As a reminder, participants must first seek employment services through OVR before utilizing employment services through the Office of Long-Term Living waivers. To contact the OVR district office in your area, use this link. OVR now has an online application to request services. SCs are strongly encouraged to assist OLTL participants in completing the online application using the attached instructions.

Any questions or concerns regarding the above, including to request an alternate format, should be addressed to Edward Butler via email or phone at 717-214-3718.