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DHS Budget Briefing

Secretary Val Arkoosh and leadership from the Department of Human Services (DHS) will host a webinar to discuss the proposed 2025/26 budget for the department. The briefing will take place at 10:00 am on Friday, February 7. If you are unable to attend, the briefing will be recorded and available for viewing afterwards on DHS’ YouTube channel.

Register here for the briefing. All who plan to attend must register individually. A link for the webinar will be sent Thursday evening. You are encouraged to submit questions ahead of the briefing so staff can prepare as much information as possible. Follow up will be provided on any questions that are unable to be answered during the webinar. Hope you are able to join and look forward to the conversation!

(If the registration link above does not work, please try copying this link directly into your browser: https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=QSiOQSgB1U2bbEf8Wpob3tuk6VNEbjZIvvnDA4XOB-dUNVlFUVRMQUVBMzhPWVpRNjNFODQ1OUlaTy4u)