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Supported by the Pennsylvania Department of Health through Centers for Disease Control and Prevention funding, the Pennsylvania Statewide Tobacco-Free Recovery Initiative (PA STFRI) facilitates partnerships among academia, state agencies, county public health departments, treatment providers, and recovery advocates to advance recovery-oriented evidence-based tobacco use disorder interventions in behavioral health services.

In 2021 Public Health Management Corporation’s Research & Evaluation Group conducted a readiness assessment to identify the status of tobacco interventions within behavioral health. The survey is being repeated this year, and respondents are being sought for the 2024 Behavioral Health Readiness Assessment. The survey will take less than 15 minutes to complete and closes August 31, 2024. Respondents are not asked their name, and responses are not linked to the respondent.

Pennsylvania has launched a new website for the Enterprise Licensing System (ELS) project, designed to streamline and modernize the licensing, permitting, registration, certification, and incident management systems across four state agencies: the Department of Human Services, the Department of Health, the Department of Aging, and the Department of Drug & Alcohol Programs. The ELS will be implemented in stages over the next two years, with the aim of improving interagency collaboration and operational efficiency.

For more information and to stay updated on the ELS project, subscribe to the ELS ListServ. If you need additional information or have questions, you can reach out to OCYF through the Contact Us form.

If you have any other questions, please contact RCPA COO and Policy Director Jim Sharp.

The PA Department of Health (PA DOH) Bureau of Family Health has announced a funding opportunity for community-based, non-profit organizations. From March 21, 2024, through April 25, 2024, PA DOH will be soliciting applications for the Community to Home (C2H) program in four program service regions: Southwest, Northwest, Northwest Central, and Northeast Central. One grant will be awarded for the four regions.

The C2H program improves the health of children and youth with special health care needs (CYSHCN) by assisting them, along with their families, to access the services and supports required to thrive in the community and develop to their full potential. C2H assists CYSHCN and their families to navigate systems and identify resources in order to receive services while empowering them to become strong advocates and self-reliant.

View the flyer for more information about the C2H program, and note that the Request for Applications (RFA) can be found on the PA eMarketplace.

If you have questions or need additional information, please contact Danielle Rhodes via email or at 717-772-2763.

Photo by Kane Reinholdtsen on Unsplash

The Pennsylvania Department of Health, Bureau of Family Health, is extending the deadline for presentation submissions for the annual Symposium on Children and Youth with Special Health Care Needs (CYSHCN), which is scheduled for Tuesday, May 21, 2024, at Best Western Premier, Harrisburg, PA. This one-day, in-person event convenes public health professionals and community stakeholders involved in CYSHCN care. Individuals, entities, and self-advocates serving CYSHCN are encouraged to submit presentation proposals. The new submission deadline is Friday, February 9, 2024. For more information and workshop guidelines, consult the Symposium Speakers page. Please refer to the attached Call for Presentations form for additional details and workshop guidelines. Inquiries and submissions should be directed to Katrina Harris, Event Planner.

The PA Department of Health (DOH) will be publishing two notices in the Pennsylvania (PA) Bulletin on January 20, 2024, regarding the Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) Advisory Board.

The first notice announces the renaming of the TBI Advisory Board to the Brain Injury Advisory Board:
The Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) Advisory Board (Board) was instituted in August 2001 by the Secretary of Health as a requirement of section 1252 the Federal TBI Act of 1996 (42 U.S.C. § 300d-52) and the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) Federal TBI Planning Grant, presently known as the Administration for Community Living (ACL) TBI State Partnership Program Grant. There is no requirement for the Board to be specifically called the TBI Advisory Board. Until 2021, the grant stipulated that the Board must have 50% of its voting members exclusively represent individuals with a TBI. With this limited scope, individuals with a nontraumatic brain injury (nonTBI) could not be considered as voting members. It created gaps in representation and understanding, hindering the Board’s ability to address the diverse needs of the broader brain injury community. As awareness of nonTBI evolved and service needs increased for individuals with a nonTBI, ACL expanded the scope of the Board to allow all individuals with nonTBI brain injury to serve as voting members. On August 4, 2023, the Board convened and voted unanimously to change its name to the Brain Injury Advisory Board. This adjustment underscores a strategic initiative toward inclusivity. It acknowledges the various origins of brain injuries and aims to bridge the current gap in representation. The change also aligns the Board’s nomenclature with its commitment to comprehensive advocacy, facilitating a more nuanced understanding and responsive approach to the diverse challenges encountered by individuals affected by all forms of acquired brain injuries.

The second notice provides information about the next board meeting. The Brain Injury Advisory Board will hold their next public meeting on February 2, 2024, from 10:00 am – 3:00 pm in person at the Pennsylvania Training and Technical Assistance Network (PaTTAN), 6340 Flank Drive, Harrisburg, PA 17112, in the Cambria conference room.

Meeting materials will be sent out before the meeting and will also be available on their website and at the meeting location. Questions about the meeting should be directed to Nicole Johnson.

The DOH’s Head Injury Program (HIP) strives to ensure that eligible individuals who have a brain injury receive high quality rehabilitative services aimed at reducing functional limitations and improving quality of life. The Board assists the DOH in understanding and meeting the needs of persons living with acquired brain injuries, both traumatic and nontraumatic, and their families. This quarterly meeting will provide updates on a variety of topics including the number of people served by HIP. In addition, meeting participants will discuss budgetary and programmatic issues, community programs relating to traumatic and nontraumatic brain injuries, and available advocacy opportunities.

The Department of Health’s (DOH) Bureau of Family Health issued a flyer about planned events across the state related to Pennsylvania’s Title V Maternal and Child Health Services Block Grant. This grant serves to improve the health and well-being of the nation’s mothers, infants, children, and youth, including children and youth with special health care needs and their families.

Parents and caregivers, families with special needs, birthing people and their partners, and youth are all welcome and invited to participate in these events. Maternal and child health care, and other professionals and organizations serving this population in Pennsylvania, are also welcome to share their thoughts! Attendees are invited to help identify the seven to ten priorities that will drive Pennsylvania’s Title V programs.

Please refer to the flyer for additional information, including the dates, times, and locations of the upcoming events.

The Pennsylvania Department of Health (PA DOH) is currently accepting applications for the PA-SUN Request for Applications (RFA). Hospitals and Health Systems, on behalf of their ED(s), are invited to apply to the Department in accordance with RFA # 67-166.

The Department is interested in funding applications addressing building and implementing health system-wide clinical capacity to screen, diagnose, and support longitudinal care for opioid use disorder (OUD) and stimulant use disorder (StUD) as well as support recovery for adults and adolescents.

The overall goal of this funding is to promote and support ED linkage to care via multidisciplinary teams utilizing navigators, to include strategies like focused connections during care for conditions that may represent sequelae of substance use and enhanced universal screening for substance use disorder (SUD) among patients presenting for other reasons to EDs to identify new opportunities to engage in and link to care.

All questions regarding this RFA must be directed via email, no later than 12:00 pm on December 4, 2023. All questions must include the specific section of the RFA about which the potential applicant is requesting clarification. Answers to all questions will be posted on PA eMarketplace. To review the responses to posed questions, select ‘Solicitations’ and search for RFA #67-166. Applications must be received no later than 1:30 pm on January 16, 2024.

An additional update regarding the educational modules: By end of year 2023, the PA-SUN team intends to release asynchronous (self-study) education modules to aid EDs in increasing knowledge on topics such as harm reduction, buprenorphine initiation, linkage to care, and stigma.  For updates regarding the education modules please visit the PA-SUN website.