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You don’t need to wait for election day to have your voice heard.

State lawmakers wrapped up business in Harrisburg and returned home last week to campaign in earnest for the May 17 primary election. Because every vote counts, every voice matters. Especially now, in the weeks leading up to the election, lawmakers are sensitive to constituents’ concerns and want to hear from you.

Take advantage of this opportunity to reach out and urge lawmakers to increase funding to support human services professionals, so individuals and families in need get the assistance and care they deserve.

So far, the outpouring of support has been incredible. Since the governor unveiled his 2022/23 budget proposal in February, more than 4,000 individuals have contacted their local lawmakers urging them to act. We need to build on this momentum.

Once the election finishes, lawmakers will begin crafting a final budget before the end of the fiscal year, June 30. Pennsylvania is sitting on billions of federal dollars and state “rainy day” funds that could increase wages to help us attract and retain human service professionals.

It’s critical that our senators and representatives understand how this workforce crisis is affecting our most vulnerable individuals and families, as well as the providers and professionals who serve them.

Please USE THIS LINK to learn how you can help and urge your networks to do the same. Most importantly, TAKE ACTION TODAY. Tell lawmakers to increase funding to address the workforce crisis facing Pennsylvania’s health and human services.

Today we were joined by Joseph MacBeth and Dan Hermreck from the National Alliance of Direct Support Professionals to learn about the E-Badge credentialing program for Direct Support Professionals. As many providers of IDD services are developing plans to use ARPA funds to assist DSPs in becoming credentialed, NADSP wanted to share the information about their established program. The slideshow from the presentation is available here.

You can also learn more about the E-Badge Academy at their website. During the webinar Joe referenced the document “Moving From Crisis to Stabilization,” also found on their website.

If you were unable to attend the webinar and are interested in viewing the recording, contact Carol Ferenz.

The National Alliance for Direct Support Professional’s Joseph Macbeth, President and Chief Executive Officer, & Dan Hermreck, Director of Certification & Accreditation, will be joining RCPA members to discuss NADSP’s program for advancing the professional role of DSPs while we have the opportunity in Pennsylvania to utilize ARPA funds to assist in this effort.

We are hosting the webinar Friday, April 22, 2022, from 10:00 am–11:00 am to discuss how NADSP can help your organization. You can register for the event here.

The National Alliance for Direct Support Professionals firmly believes that “quality is defined at the point of interaction,” and therefore the knowledge, skills, and values of direct support professionals are the key to providing quality supports. This webinar will explore NADSP’s credentialing program, known as the E-Badge Academy, through which the organization has attempted to measure these three components of quality and recognize DSPs who provide high quality support. The E-Badge Academy allows DSPs to earn electronic badges by describing how their work is consistent with the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) Core Competencies and the NADSP Code of Ethics. You will learn how it all works, including best practices, successful implementation, outcome measurement, and return on investment.

If you have any questions, please contact Carol Ferenz.