2022 NADSP Advocacy Symposium: Amplifying The Voices Of Direct Support Professionals
March 9–10, 2022
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Over 300 Direct Support Professionals (DSPs), self-advocates, and family members from almost every state in the country are set to embark on NADSP’s first ever national advocacy event next week on March 9 and 10. The purpose of this virtual event is to bring the DSP perspective to the forefront of Congress and the Administration during a time of unprecedented workforce challenges.
The NADSP recognizes the previous absence and critical importance of lifting the voices of DSPs to federal policy-makers so that public policy can be informed by the people who are on the frontlines of supporting people with disabilities to live, work, and thrive in the community. This 1.5-day virtual symposium will culminate with virtual meetings with Congressional leaders and staff to educate and advocate on NADSP’s public policy priorities for 2022.
Registration will close TONIGHT, March 2, 2022, at 8:00 pm EST.
ODP Announcement 22-022 is to inform all provider agencies employing Direct Service Providers (DSPs) that the Office of Developmental Programs (ODP) will be participating in the 2021 National Core Indicators® (NCI) Staff Stability Survey. ODP is requesting qualified providers participate in the 2021 Staff Stability Survey. This important survey includes questions relating to volume, stability, compensation, and benefits of DSPs serving adults 18 years of age and older.
The data gathered from this voluntary and anonymous survey will help ODP, along with other policy makers and advocates, to:
Within the next few weeks, providers will receive an email from HSRI inviting them to participate in this Staff Stability Survey. Those wishing to participate will be furnished with a unique login that will enable providers to directly enter survey responses into the HSRI database. Results of the survey will only be reported in the aggregate, and organizations will not be identified in any way. It is recommended that Human Resources or the Payroll Office complete surveys, and responses should reflect DSPs who were on agency payroll during any period between January 1 and December 31, 2021.
The deadline to complete data entry is June 30, 2022. A copy of the survey is included to allow for preparation of data prior to completing data entry. It is a proprietary tool of the National Core Indicators® and is to be used for reference only.
While we continue to develop our submission for the Office of Developmental Programs (ODP), we wanted to share a summary of the comments that we will be submitting on January 31. We know that some of you would like to be able to utilize these comments in developing your own. The following are some of our major points of concern.
It is understood that the basis for the rate setting methodology are several assumptions of average costs of doing business. We have several concerns about the assumptions. By far the biggest expense lines for providers consist of staffing costs: salary and benefits. Several of these assumptions have a significant impact on the rates, and we believe that they are not based on accurate data.
Specific Service Rates
Overall, our concerns of the impact these rates will have on services not only relate to the provider system in our state, but also to the individuals and families who need and rely on these services to live an everyday life. As we have experienced throughout the pandemic and the undeniable staffing crisis, when families and individuals do not have the needed support from staff in their homes, it has an impact on their quality of life, their mental health and the family members’ abilities to keep their employment outside of their home. Individuals who have complex needs will be even more at risk since the services that are necessary to support those who have more intense support needs due to medical or behavioral challenges are not equitably considered in these proposed rates.
The rates act as disincentives to providers to serve those who are in need of higher levels of staff care. Providers cannot recruit and maintain a stable work force with competitive wages if there is not some type of annual CPI or COLA Rate increase.