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ODP Announcement 21-089 informs stakeholders that additional incident extension notifications can be entered into the Enterprise Incident Management (EIM) directly by providers and SCOs who initiate incidents.

In recognition of the ongoing impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic and the Office of Developmental Program’s (ODP) commitment to supporting providers, ODP is adjusting the limits that were introduced on September 11, 2021, to allow for additional internal notifications of the need for extensions in EIM. Effective December 7, 2021, providers and SCOs can enter a total of six 30-day extensions for each incident they initiate, regardless of primary category. Providers are advised that ODP monitors all facets of incident management standards, including those that are not managed in accordance with timeframes and standards established in policy. This also includes when final section documents are initiated, reasons for extensions, patterns of extension use, and patterns of incident disapprovals by management reviewers. Providers with a notable volume of such incidents or that demonstrate patterns indicative of concerning practices will receive technical assistance directly from ODP.

Included with this announcement are the following resources:

ODP Announcement 21-083 provides some guidance to providers when determining whether an event involving staff employed by the provider constitutes alleged neglect in accordance with the Office of Developmental Programs’ (ODP) regulations such that it must be reported as an incident in the Enterprise Incident Management (EIM) system. This announcement also provides guidance about applying regulatory requirements related to complaint management when an event does not require reporting as an incident of alleged neglect.

When alleged neglect is reported for events that do not meet the criteria, it compromises ODP’s ability to identify and act on events that do constitute neglect or an allegation of neglect. When an event does not meet such criteria, providers should address and manage the event as a complaint in accordance with applicable regulatory requirements. A report of alleged neglect should not be filed when a service was not rendered due to the absence of direct care staff and the absence did not place the individual at a health or safety risk. In this circumstance, a provider should follow their complaint management process as opposed to filing a reportable incident.

For more information regarding compliant management and incident reporting, see ODP Announcement 21-083.

ODP Announcement 21-079 announces the release of an updated Administrative Review Process Manual. This document replaces the manual that was published in 2018. All prospective and current Administrative Review Committee members are required to be familiar with the Administrative Review Process guidelines that are outlined in the manual.

These changes were made in order to align with Incident Management (IM) Bulletin 00-21-02 (which was issued March 1, 2021 and became effective on July 1, 2021) and the Enterprise Incident Management (EIM) system. Several new or expanded topics have been added to the manual. Major changes to the new manual include:

  • How to complete committee responsibilities while using new EIM functionality changes;
  • How to complete the Administrative Review Information, Administrative Review Summary, Preventative Corrective Actions, and Additional Corrective Actions in EIM;
  • How to complete the Certified Investigator Report and Administrative Review Committee Report forms that are fillable and consistent with screens in EIM;
  • A glossary of terms that are relevant to both the Certified Investigator and the Administrative Review Committee; and
  • How to ensure core principles of objectivity, speed/timeliness, and thoroughness are present while reviewing critical incident investigations.

If you have any questions regarding the 2021 Administrative Review Process Manual, please submit them via email.

ODP Announcement 21-074 shares the information that on Saturday, September 11, 2021, the Office of Developmental Programs (ODP) released enhancements within the EIM system. Please see the accompanying attachment, Enterprise Incident Management Enhancements Newsletter, for a complete listing of the recent enhancements.

Live question and answer sessions will be hosted from October through December specific to recent enhancements and the use of the analytic dashboards. There will be separate Question & Answer (Q&A) sessions for Provider and SC/County users. These sessions will be held multiple times, and users only need to attend one session of the type. Attendees are encouraged to view the pre-recorded webcasts prior to attending the sessions. All of these sessions are currently available on the Home and Community Services Information System Learning Management System (HCSIS LMS) for registration. Please see the announcement for details.

The Office of Developmental Programs (ODP) Announcement 20-107 provides updated issuance and effective dates for the revised Incident Management Bulletin and subsequent changes to the Enterprise Incident Management (EIM) system as a result of the impacts of COVID-19.

At this time, the new issue date is targeted for March 2021 with an effective date of July 2021. Modifications to the EIM system are also being delayed until July 2021.

As the system transitions to comply with the Incident Management sections of 55 Pa. Code Chapter 6100, providers will continue to report and investigate incidents as outlined in the current Incident Management Statement of Policy 55 Pa Code Chapter 6000 Subchapter Q. Effective July 2021, ODP will align: 1-Chapter 6100 Incident Management sections (replacing Chapter 6000 subchapter Q), 2-implementation of the Incident Management Bulletin, and 3-implementation of technology updates to the EIM system.

ODP plans to hold live webinars to explain the new IM Bulletin and to hold a series of trainings prior to the implementation date. This training will meet the requirements specified in the Chapter 6100 regulations, although providers are not required to utilize these trainings to meet this requirement if they choose to train their staff another way. Please see the announcement for the timeline of these activities.

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On July 20, 2019, the Office of Long-Term Living (OLTL) will begin implementing changes to the Enterprise Incident Management (EIM) system. The changes include adding additional screens and information surrounding deaths and greater detail in the review of incidents. An overview of all of the changes and additions, which includes screenshots and explanations of each change, is available here.

Questions regarding these changes should be directed to the OLTL EIM resource account.