Tags Posts tagged with "Employment People with Disabilities"

Employment People with Disabilities

Employment of Youth and Young Adults with Disabilities
CAPE-Youth published a policy brief on “Employment of Youth and Young Adults with Disabilities in a Recovering Economy: Lessons from the Great Recession and Considerations for Policymakers Today.” The brief focuses on youth and young adults with disabilities who face difficulties gaining employment because of the COVID-19 pandemic and economic recession. It outlines state-level strategies and examples policymakers and program administrators can use to support these young people with finding employment.

EARN Newsletter
The Employer Assistance and Resource Network on Disability Inclusion (EARN) released its March 2021 newsletter. Highlighted are two new EARN web pages. “COVID-19 Workplace Resources and Tools” outlines the intersection between the pandemic and disability employment policies and practices. “Neurodiversity in the Workplace” discusses the benefits to businesses and employees of including people with neurocognitive disabilities in the workforce.