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Fairness in Multiple Copayments Act

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Today, SB487 passed by a 46-0 concurrence vote in the Senate, which means it will be sent to the governor for his signature. The governor has ten days to sign the bill, and it is anticipated that he will sign it into law.

SB487 is legislation that would prohibit multiple copayments for licensed physical and occupational therapy services covered under an insured person’s health benefit plan. RCPA, along with many of its medical rehabilitation members, met with various legislators and leadership, expressing support for this very important piece of legislation. Without the legislation, patients were required to pay multiple insurance copayments, which sometimes limited or even prevented them from receiving the amount of care that they absolutely required. SB487 does not eliminate copayments; it simply prohibits burdening patients who require different and specific therapy services with copayments for each and every session.

RCPA thanks its members for all their grassroots efforts, and applauds the General Assembly for passing this common sense legislation, to help ensure that Pennsylvanians who require medical rehabilitation can access the types and amount of care they need in order to get back to their day-to-day routines.

Contact Jack Phillips, RCPA director of government affairs, with questions.