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CMS Announces November 10 COVID-19 Health Care Staff Vaccination Call
Releases Links & Slides From Previous Call

The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) has announced that another COVID-19 Health Care Staff Vaccination National Stakeholder call (associated with the release of the November 4 emergency regulation) will be conducted on November 10, 2021 from 3:30 pm–4:30 pm. To participate in this call, registration is required. Once you have registered, you will receive a confirmation email that contains information about joining the webinar. Members are encouraged to log in prior to the call beginning, as the call can only accommodate 10,000 participants.

The slides and video from the November 4, 2021 National Stakeholder call are available if you were unable to get into that call. CMS also released its Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs).

A message from ACCSES:

A few minutes ago, the Rehabilitation Services Administration announced the release of long-awaited revised FAQs. The message from RSA reads as follows:

Today, the Rehabilitation Services Administration (RSA) is pleased to announce the release of frequently-asked questions titled Criterion for an Integrated Employment Location in the Definition of “Competitive Integrated Employment” and Participant Choice, published as RSA-FAQ-22-02. These FAQs provide guidance and technical assistance to VR agencies and community rehabilitation programs so they may assist individuals with disabilities to achieve high-quality employment and exercise their informed choice about the type of employment to pursue, either with assistance from the VR program or from other community resources.

While these FAQs do not change the Department of Education’s interpretation that has existed since at least the mid-1990s with respect to the criterion for an integrated employment location, they clarify and update a similar set of FAQs, issued January 17, 2017, entitled Frequently Asked Questions: Integrated Location Criteria of the Definition of ‘Competitive Integrated Employment.’ Therefore, OSERS rescinds the January 2017 FAQs effective as of this date. These updated FAQs take effect immediately upon issuance, and will enable VR program personnel to better carry out the purpose of the VR program and allow individuals with disabilities to maximize their employment potential.

Additionally, RSA issues a Response to Significant Comments that addresses changes in the updated FAQs made in response to comments received on the proposed FAQs (FAQ 21-03) published in the Federal Register and that provided the public with a 30-day opportunity to comment (86 FR 13511 (March 9, 2021)).”

ACCSES is in the process of reviewing the final FAQs and the RSA Response to Significant Comments and will provide additional information to ACCSES members on Monday.

Kind regards,

Tablet on a desk - Questions and Answers

ODP Announcement 21-066 serves to distribute Version 3 of the FAQ document on questions received in regards to Incident Management Bulletin 00-21-02. The FAQ document contains both updates and changes. The Office of Developmental Programs (ODP) has received multiple questions from stakeholders through email, conversations, and dialogue during trainings, phone calls, etc. A FAQ was developed to answer some of the questions received. This FAQ does not contain all questions received; ODP chose questions that were asked frequently by multiple stakeholders.

ODP expects to continue to receive questions based on the IM Bulletin; therefore, this document will be updated on a routine basis. Stakeholders will be notified when there are additions added to this FAQ. The new questions that were added have a blue background, and any updated answer from a previous question is italicized. The Q and A begins on page three of the announcement.

For questions, please contact your ODP Regional Office or email directly.

Tablet on a desk - Questions and Answers

ODP Announcement 21-056 shares an updated version of Incident Management Frequently Asked Questions. The Incident Management (IM) Bulletin 00-21-02 was available for all stakeholders on March 1, 2021 with an effective date of July 1, 2021. The Office of Developmental Programs (ODP) has received multiple questions from stakeholders through email, conversations, and dialogue during trainings, phone calls, etc.

The questions received from stakeholders have been collected and reviewed by ODP staff. The questions were then compiled into the FAQ document. This FAQ does not contain all questions received; ODP chose questions that were asked frequently by multiple stakeholders. ODP expects to continue to receive questions based on the IM Bulletin; therefore, this document will be updated on a routine basis. Stakeholders will be notified when there are additions added to this FAQ.

Please visit the following web page Incident Management/Risk Management and click on the link Incident Management Bulletin 00-21-02, which will include links to the IM Bulletin and attachments, related information, resources, ODP announcements, and ODP IM training.

For questions, please contact your ODP Regional Office or send to Incident Management.

The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) recently released an updated COVID-19 Accelerated and Advance Payment (CAAP) Repayment & Recovery Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) document. Members are encouraged to review this document to learn more about how recoupment works and how it affects Medicare claims payment amounts.